Exterior Home Renovation and Improvement: Old is Not Always Gold


Clock ticks, time passes, we grow and so do all the other living organisms. You do agree with this statement right? Then you may get shocked when you hear someone say your house has gone old. But you don’t because it is in fact old because it’s not a living thing.

The above argument has become of much importance since time decays the exterior of your homes and the related discussion of renovation starts once again. Nowadays there is a lot of trend to change the outlook of homes by implementing different remodeling techniques. There is a lot one can do for this purpose such as restoring the roofs, changing the bricks, garage improvement and the reconditioning of windows and doors.

We peek into some elements of Exterior home renovation and find out what and how can be done in this regard.

Entrances and walkways:

Entrances must go through proper renovations or the whole picture of your home will be drab. The entrance walkway can afford stone tiling. Stone tiling gives a traditional aura to the exterior. At the entrances different shrubs and flowers will add a refreshing and pristine effect to the exterior of your home.


Roofs provide the shelter of your home and are a major concern when planning renovation. There can be leaks and broken shingles on the roof that will not only ruin the exterior portrait but will also affect the stability of your home.

Rubber roofing will ensure its durability and is best for both low and flat types. Proper air ventilation must be checked and regulated which will increase the life of the roof. Roofs can positively impact the exterior landscape if nice shingles are installed and they have attractive color combinations. There is a whole new variety that exists for both the roof design and shingles. You may pick the one that will uplift the whole exterior panorama.

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Your home exterior begs nothing more than its sidings to be renovated to beautify its character. Sidings have a deep impact and renovating them is really necessary in the process of remodeling. There are different types of sidings available in the market and their proper selection is very important.

Different sidings are current; vinyl sidings, aluminum sidings and seamless steel sidings. The vinyl siding are very common and is a fine choice. It is affordable and long lasting. For best exterior design, vinyl siding has become quite popular. It needs washing twice a year.

Aluminum sidings are fireproof and they are more durable. But when ultimate exterior design is considered, the only choice is seamless steel siding. It has a very attractive look and it doesn’t need washing. This is the newest siding and it is very easily installed. Despite its expensive price tag, seamless steel siding is getting very popular.

Windows and doors:

Where would one be if windows and doors were all rusty and hanging loose from the hinges? Well in utter disgrace to say the least. One of the important improvements in exterior design that can’t possibly be overlooked is windows and doors.

Doors can be polished to give a new and fresh look. Proper cleaning increases their life. Windows embellish the exterior of the home with little renovation. Windows frames cherish the beauty of the whole house. Different frames and window borders are available at cheap costs from the market.


Garages also constitute an important part in the exterior design. Garages demand a lot of remodeling if not taken care of correctly. Things to look for are new floors, cabinets and doors. Cabinets can be wooden or plastic. Newer models offer stainless steel cabinets that are very stylish and durable. So carefully tailor the materials according to your own style and taste. Make sure whatever you select must also glorify the exterior of your home.

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One thing that will be noticeable on the first glance at your home exterior is a shutter. Shutters are very simple to be installed. The choice is simple, wood or vinyl. Vinyl shutters are relatively cheaper but they are not at all durable. Wood shutters have long lasting lives and are the best choice to magnify the exterior beauty. They are enduring and resistant to decay.

Water fountains:

Water fountains in your front yard or at the entrance are a very attractive and elegant addition. They are invaluable and must be well taken care of. Much of the exterior beauty is just because of a decent and nice fountain at the front of your house.

Renovation of the fountain is mostly related to its cleanliness. Keep your fountain clean by removing tree leaves and unwanted waste materials. You can increase the life of your fountain by keeping it dry in summer and covering it in the winter. Fountains add to scenic beauty and give a very tranquil and pristine landscape so they must be kept clean and constantly renovated to maintain the exterior elegance of your home.

Trees and Shrubs:

What really reinforces the scenic beauty of the home exterior are trees and plants. You may want to add shrubs alongside the walkway or roses before the entrance to give the exterior environment a calm and refreshing look. If you plant palm trees, they will totter and sway along with the wind giving a relaxed feeling of you being on an island. Shrubs and flower develop an aura of tranquility; they are natural gifts and are an essential element for the renovation of home exterior.

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Above mentioned exterior remodeling tips are vital to be followed before you take any implementation step. You will achieve very satisfying results if you exercise your plan the way I have defined.