Excedrin Has Pain Relief Written All Over It

Do you have a headache? Does it have Excedrin all over it? Those commercials from the 1980’s were quite annoying, and enough to give anyone a headache that would require the services of this medicine. There are times when a medicine with this strength is needed, and that would include some of the following examples:

1.Your Great Dane just made a deposit in your leather Mercedes Benz.
2.Your mother-in-law is Annie Wilkes from the movie Misery, and she’s staying for the next week.
3.You have to attend a concert with your boss, and you have to see Barry Manilow AND Michael McDonald
4.You are a passenger in Billy Joel’s car.

While most of these examples thankfully do not occur on a weekly basis, most people will have a headache based on other factors. I get terrible headaches due to mostly sleep deprivation, but can they can also be triggered by stress at work. For headaches, Excedrin shines. Directions on medicines are meant to be followed, and I always pop two caplets at a time. They are small, and not related to many of the horse pill sized doses of other OTC headache relievers.

I’ve found that the Excedrin Extra Strength Formula works fast, and usually starts taking care of headaches within a half hour. For it to completely knock out this head pain, it takes an hour to fulfill the cycle. Its active ingredients are: 250 mg of Acetaminophen, 250 mg of Aspirin, and 65 mg of caffeine. This is not your grandpa’s cough medicine, this is serious stuff. If you have stomach issues, the bottle warns you to stay away from this pain reliever. The caffeine is great for clearing away headaches, as sometimes even a cup of coffee can thin the blood flow and take care of a headache. This double dose of Acetaminophen and Aspirin really does work wonders.

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Excedrin claims to be able to relieve pains associated with: colds, arthritis, muscle aches, sinusitis, toothache, and menstrual cramps. I have tried to see if it would help with Arthritis and muscle aches, but it doesn’t seem to do a great job. It did nothing with a pinched nerve that I have been enduring recently, and doesn’t reduce a lot of the pain associated with some of my sports injuries. I think its great for headaches, but a weak performer for everything else.

The headaches have been completely eliminated by this medicine, and it reduces other pains for about two to four hours. There are no side effects, other than getting rid of headaches. I like Excedrin with its limitations, and love the price for this medicine. Its always in the $2.00-$4.00 range for the 24 count bottle, with larger bottles selling for around $8.00-$10.00. As long as you use it for headaches, its a wonderful non-prescription medicine. The bottles are easy to open as well, which is a plus when the mother- in- law is coming over to visit!