Everything You Wanted to Know About Tiger Sharks

Where do they live?

This type of shark can be found living and hunting in the world’s coastal waters. They prefer murky water and can be found in many different places. They have been found in rivers, estuaries, harbors, and lagoons. The tiger shark likes a warmer climate, so it can be found near Hawaii, but they have found near Iceland and the United Kingdom. Tiger sharks have excellent eye sight and generally prefer to hunt for its prey at night.

What do they look like?

This species shark can be identified by the shark’s blunt nose and the dorsal fin is noticeably close to its tail. Juvenile Tiger Sharks have different colored dark vertical stripes that look similar the majestic Bengal Tiger’s stripes. However, these markings begin to lighten up in color, as the shark matures into a fully grown adult. These types of sharks or the Galeocerdo Cuvier species of shark can reproduce.

How do they reproduce?

The female Tiger Shark will have large litter of pups or babies once they have mature in to the adult stage. The pups are about1-2 feet long, which is really small compared to how big they eventually get. Unfortunately, the babies are left to fend for themselves. Since, once they are born become independent of the mother immediately. Additionally, according to the NOAA (2012) the female shark can have 35 to 55 pups in one litter.

How big can it get?

According to National Geographic (2012), the average adult tiger shark can reach 20-25 feet. They can weigh up to 1,900 pounds, which is as the same weight of a boat. The Tiger Shark can be as long as its cousin the Great White, but the Great White is has a heavier mass. According to NOAA (2012) it takes about 12-18 years for a tiger shark mature into an adult. This is due to how slow the shark grows each year.

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What do they eat?

The Tiger Shark prefers to hunt it’s pray at night and retreat to deeper waters during the day. They will literally eat anything, even garbage from the sea floor. However, these sharks will eat other sharks, squids, seas snakes, or fish. This fierce hunter prefers to hunt at night; due to the sharks amazing sense of smell. The tiger shark has sensitive smell receptors, which can be found all over their body.

What are their nicknames?

These terrifying creatures have earned the nick name waste basket of the sea, due to their unusual diet. According to Sharks-World (2012) this type of shark is a will eat other sharks, fish, and other animals. As well eat garbage from the ocean floor like “pieces of boats, license plates, and old tires”. This shark is also nicknamed man-eater because they are known for attacking unsuspecting swimmers and animals like dogs that swim with their owner.

Are they being hunted?

The Tiger Shark is not on the endangered list, but the population is being threatened due to being hunted and killed for many reasons. These sharks are being killed due the danger that they pose to humans in Hawaii. However, they are also being killed for their body parts and organs. According to National Geographic (2012), the Tiger Sharks liver has a high concentrate of Vitamin A which is made into vitamin oil. Shark hunters sell their fins, flesh, and skin to different consumers.

Are Tiger Sharks Dangerous?

However, this Apex predator is extremely aggressive, whenever they attack their intended prey. The shark will continue attacking their victim, but a Great White Shark retreats. This fierce hunter will eat anything it can find, whether it is a fish or garbage from the ocean’s floor. The Tiger Shark has an unusual diet, which has helped the shark earn the nick nameā€¦waste basket of the sea.

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Are they endangered?

The Tiger Shark is not on the endangered list, but the population is being threatened due to being hunted and killed for many reasons. Some are being killed due the danger they pose to humans like in Hawaii, while others are being killed for their body parts or organs. According to National Geographic (2012), the Tiger Sharks liver has a high concentrate of Vitamin A which is made into vitamin oil. Shark hunters cut off their fins, flesh, and skin to sell to different consumers who may want to purchase them.


National Geographic (2012) Tiger Shark

Retrieved on August 16, 2012 from the World Wide Web


Shark World (2012) Facts About Tiger Sharks

Retrieved on August 16, 2012 from the World Wide Web


NOAA (2012) Tiger Shark

Retrieved on August 16, 2012 from the World Wide Web
