Everyday Irish Slang

Want to learn how to speak like a real Irishman? Here are several common words and phrases used by the Irish in everyday conversation.

Alco (n)- someone who’s always drunk.

Amadan (or Omadhan) (n)- idiot.

Ara be whist (v)- shut up.

Arthurs (n)- a pint of Guiness; as in the founder Arthur Guiness.

Go and shite- go away; piss off.

Bad dose (n)- a tough old time with illness.

Baluba (n)- horseplay; messing around.

Banjaxed (adj)- broken; no good.

Battle cruiser (n)- the pub.

Bean flicker (n)- lesbian.

Berco (adj)- absolutely drunk.

Bevvies (n)- alcoholic drinks.

Bifter (n)- marijuana joint.

Black Mariah (n)- police van; paddy wagon in the U.S.

The Black Stuff (n)- Guiness.

Bouzzie, Bowsie (n)- a young low-life who hangs around on street corners.

Brass monkey- used when referring to cold weather.

Brickin’ it (adj)- nervous to the point of losing one’s bodily functions.

Caffler (n)- idiot, asshole.

Cassie (n)- back yard.

Chinwag (n)- a chat or conversation.

Chiseller (n)- a young child.

Cnawvshawling (v)- complaining.

Cock manger (n)- urinals.

Culchie (n)- a city dweller’s name for a country person.

Da (n)- father.

Dickey Dazzler (n)- an over dressed man or dandy.

Diddies (n)- breasts.

Donkey’s Years (n)- a long time.

Dosser (n)- useless person.

Down the Swanie- down the drain.

Dressed to the nines- to be dressed in your Sunday best.

Drink Link (n)- a bank ATM.

Dry Shite (n)- a dull or boring person.

Eatin’ house (n)- restaurant.

Whack to ya!- Well done!

Feck (n)- used instead of the F-word.

Fla/Flah (v)- to have sexual intercourse.

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Fliters (adj)- tattered and torn.

Flummoxed (adj)- puzzled.

Frankie (n)- someone from Belfast.

Gaff (n)- house.

Galya (n)- baby.

Gammy (adj)- full of crap; useless.

Gansey (n)- sweater, jersey, or pullover.

Gas (adj)- funny.

Gingernut (n)- a redheaded person.

Git (n)- a bad person.

Go on outta that- to tell someone they’re full of it.

Gobshite (n)- idiot.

Goozer (n)- kiss.

Gummin’ (v)- to want something very badly.

Hash (n)- mistake.

Having the painters in- when a woman has her period.

Header (n)- crazy person.

Hooley (n)- a party or celebration.

On the Hop (n)- the act of skipping school.

I’d eat a farmer’s arse through a blackthorn bush!- I’m hungry.

I am in me wick- you must be joking.

Jackeen (n)- a culchie’s name for someone from Dublin.

Jack in the box (n)- a dead Dublin man.

Jacks (n)- toilet.

Jammer (n)- a stolen car.

Jammy (adj)- lucky.

Jar (n)- a pint.

Jibber (n)- a person afraid to try new things.

Johnny-jump-up (n)- a pint of guiness mixed with Bulmers (cider).

Kip (n)- a dump or a dive.

Knackered (adj)- very tired.

Knickers (n)- ladies’ underwear.

Knob (n)- penis.

Lady Muck (n)- a stuck-up woman.

Lashing (v)- raining hard.

Layin’ a cable- to take a shit.

Like a blue-arsed fly- running around; very busy.

Little green man- a bottle of Jameson’s whiskey.

Loaf (v)- to head butt someone.

Ma (n)- mother.

Manky (adj)- very dirty.

Me arse and Katty Barry!- Yeah right!

Mebbs (n)- genitals.

Melter (n)- a pain in the ass.

Millie up!- a fight is about to start.

Molly (n)- effeminate.

Mot (n)- girlfriend.

Muzzy (n)- a little brat.