ER: Can the Show Recover from the Ray and Neela Fiasco?

I have been a fan of ER since the start of the show in 1994, and it’s the one series that always keeps me coming back. Every season, no matter what characters come and what characters go, I am always riveted.

For the past several years, I, along with many other fans, have been clamoring for a Ray/Neela union. Well, I guess I got my wish but not in the way I’d hoped. I am disappointed at the way the show’s writers have handled the couple’s getting together and splitting apart, and I don’t know if they can recover from it, at least not for me.

As anyone who watched the season finale of ER knows, Ray was hit by a truck and lost both his legs after they were crushed in the accident. He and Neela had finally, finally come together and it looked like she was ready to give herself to him, and then all of a sudden, out of the blue, their chances are squashed by this accident. Ray blames Neela, no matter how unreasonable it might be and not matter how much he doesn’t say it. And, she blames herself. I blame the writers for using a plot device such as this to cause angst between a couple who just deserves to be happy once and for all.

Almost from the beginning, Ray and Neela have cared for each other and wanted to be together. We as viewers watched their friendship develop and hoped their relationship would move beyond friendship. But, Neela was committed to Michael and Ray had a lot of growing up to do. Now, after so many struggles, they finally are able to admit their feelings for each other only to have a curve ball thrown their way that seems too big to get past.

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I am curious to know how the writers will handle Ray and Neela in the new season. I know there has been talk of a new series starring Shane, and it’s understandable in that case if the writers needed to make a realistic break between the couple. However, there is also a good chance he will continue with ER, and the circumstances should not have been made so dire.

I have always trusted ER to tell the best story possible, and I am normally not let down. I have never been a fan of angst between couples to keep things interesting, but I will trust that the writers and producers will take fans feelings in to consideration when making a decision on how to best handle the Ray/Neela relationship. After so much time and the intensity of his feelings for her, to never speak to her again over something that is clearly not within her control would be sad and extremely disappointing to all of us who have waited for this union.

I will be extremely disappointed if the new season of ER brings an end for Ray and Neela before there was even a beginning. But, as always, I will still be glued to my television on Thursday, September 27 to see what happens. And, I am sure no matter what happens, I will not give up on ER. It’s been a staple in my television diet for thirteen years, and just like peanut butter and pasta, I couldn’t imagine my life without it.