Eminem “Definitely” Had Plastic Surgery

When Eminem came back in 2009, he looked, well, a little different. People all over the internet were speculating why he looked different. He was older, he lost weight, he was off drugs, and that he had plastic surgery. Well, we spoke with one plastic surgeon who said that Eminem “definitely” had plastic surgery and botox treatments. The difference was very noticeable in his face.

“He’s definitely had work done, the difference is striking.” The surgeon said who requested to remain anonymous. “I’m surprised more people haven’t come forward and said the same thing.” The surgeon said that he probably had botox and an “eye-lift”. “Something definitely went wrong with his right eye, it just doesn’t look right.”

We’ve always known that Eminem wears a lot of make up and that is just part of the “business” but for a professional to say that he had plastic surgery on his face was shocking. At 38 years old, you can understand why he would want to look younger.”His face just looks totally different, its in regular pictures too, not the photo shopped ones.” The surgeon said.

Eminem came back this year with the hit album Recovery and is set to star in two movies, “South Paw” a movie about boxing and “Random Acts of Violence.” Perhaps he had the surgery so he would look better on the big screen and have a longer career without looking older.

“There is a picture where he is with 50 cent and Dr. Dre taken in February, before Relapse came out and he looks like the same old Eminem. He had the work done around the time Relapse was released.” The surgeon continued. “It’s this photo which is the deal-breaker for me.”. The surgeon said she had been working in plastic surgery for over 20 years.

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Do you think Eminem had plastic surgery? Let us know in comments below!