Eight Home Remedies for Keeping Fleas Away from Your Pet

Fleas are a very common problem with pets today. Then tend to be difficult to get rid of, so you may be fighting an uphill battle getting them out of your home. Sometimes people aren’t even able to get rid of them one hundred percent. Luckily, despite all of this there are some at home tips you can try to use to keep them away from your pets.

1. One of the first ways to start fighting this battle from home is bathing your pet. Do it first with a non medicated shampoo, which should get rid of the majority of them. If this does not work wash your pet with a good flea shampoo.

2. Try buying a flea comb for your pet and groom him or her with it daily, this will help pick out fleas from your pet’s coat. If possible between strokes you should dip the comb in a little bit of alcohol which should kill any of the fleas that are still on the comb. After dipping it in the alcohol make sure you wipe it off with a dry cloth before going back to brushing your pet.

3. A really great natural way to help repel your pet’s fleas that has been around for years is giving them garlic. This shouldn’t be to hard since animals usually like the taste of it. All you need to do is boil a couple cloves of garlic with a cup or so of water and add it to your pet’s food. Even though your pet may like it the fleas won’t because your pet will begin to taste bitter to the fleas, this usually always works in my experience.

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4. Always make sure you pick out the right flea collar for your pet. Some of the flea collars these days are made with a lot of different harsh chemicals that can sometimes be harmful to your pets and cause some skin irritation. They have collars made with natural flea repellents and they don’t cost to much more than the regular ones. Also make sure that if you are treating a cat for fleas make sure you get the right product for cats, because some people assume that their flea shampoo or collar will work both ways and they don’t. If you aren’t to careful you could possibly make your pet sick this way.

5. You can also buy flea sprays that are safe to use on your pet. They also make more natural alternatives to the regular flea sprays as well. Of course when you are spraying your pet always be careful not to spray anything into their eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

6. Flea powders are good choices too but usually they do not work as well as flea sprays. However a good thing about flea powders is that some of them are safe to use on carpets and around the house and that would be a great way to try and get them out of your house as well as off of your pet.

7. You could also try using salt water on your pets. All you have to do is take a little bit of warm water and add salt to it, regular iodized table salt is fine. Take a washcloth or something of that nature and soak up a little so that you know there is some there but not to much. After this just lightly rub the cloth on your pet and try your best to make it all the way down to the skin.

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8. Also try vacuuming your home once a week, especially in the areas where your pet spends a lot of time. Doing this will suck a lot of fleas up into the vacuum cleaner and is usually pretty effective.

Hopefully these tips have helped you out because they have helped me and from my experience usually work pretty well. Good luck!