Best 4 Funny Animal Videos YouTube

Anytime I need a lift, I can count on YouTube funny animal videos. Following are four of my favorites. These funny animal videos are fun to watch, they make me laugh, and they prompt memories of pets from long ago.

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YouTube Funny Animal Video #1

Man Singing Lullaby to Puppies

This YouTube funny animal video is my favorite! This video is amazing, endearing, and funny-perfect for anyone in need of a smile! It reminds me of my family’s “puppy days.”

Brownie, our adorable dachshund, sometimes seemed smarter than we were. Other times, she wasn’t so smart. She didn’t know enough to dodge the affections of our neighbor’s virile German shepherd. She ended up delivering 6 pups, whose heads and trunks took after their German shepherd father. Their short legs looked like their dachshund mother. Close your eyes and visualize!

Our golden retriever, Abbey, delivered 2 litters of purebred pups. One time, a registered male Golden Retriever dug under our fence, in the middle of the night, to “court” her. Weeks later, she delivered a handsome litter of 10 beautiful purebred pups. Our family enjoyed a Disneyland vacation thanks to Abbey and her determined suitor!

YouTube Funny Animal Video #2

Burger the Angry Lunatic Cat

Burger, the angry, lunatic cat is so ornery; you can’t help but love him. He reminds me of Maggie, a daughter’s cat from years ago.

We called Maggie “the psycho cat.” She attacked without provocation. She hated fuzzy slippers, battery operated dogs, and any live animal. She growled more than she purred. Maggie had standards, too. Scratching her ears was ok; rubbing her stomach resulted in immediate disciplinary action. We knew to tow the line where Maggie was concerned. She never gave second chances!

See also  Make a Cat or Dog Treat Jar

YouTube Funny Animal Video #3

Pancho the Singing Parrot

The parrot in this YouTube funny animal video has more spunk than many people I know. This video brings to mind Chirpy, a parakeet from years ago.

Chirpy loved my husband. Chirpy pecked at his mustache, walked in his hair, balanced on his finger, nibbled his ears, and played with his buttons. Chirpy had little use for anyone but him.

Chirpy left this world unexpectedly one year during an annual Christmas celebration, click that’s a whole other story!

YouTube Funny Animal Video #4

Funny Horse Surprise

We humans can only push a horse so far, and then we’d better watch out. My pets responded to our “intolerable” human interference in equally unsavory ways. Sophie takes the prize in this area.

Sophie’s name really didn’t suit her. A stray mutt from an animal shelter, she was a rebel. She loved to run in a pasture behind our house. She’d tease the horses and roll in anything putrid. The smellier she became, the happier she looked! She resented the inevitable bath once she came home. She retaliated by leaving a “surprise” for us on the living room rug.

Maggie, the psycho cat, used similar tactics. She left her surprises in the middle of a freshly made bed. Sometimes she tucked them under the sheets or left them behind a pillow. I know she enjoyed the heightened reaction when we actually found them.

My husband and I have raised our children and no longer have pets. We miss them, but like the freedom to come and go as we please. In their place, we enjoy neighbor’s dogs and cats, the horses in the pasture, our funny pet stories, and YouTube funny animal videos.