Eggplant – Delicious and Nutritious


Delicious and Nutritious

Eggplants have an odd name and dramatically beautiful appearance as well as many health benefits. They’re called Aubergines in Britain and Europe. Their glossy purple skin and creamy flesh make them a desired and common ingredient in many cuisines except here in America. Most Americans are familiar with them through heavy, fried dishes such as Eggplant Parmesan, yet there are many healthy and delicious ways to prepare this versatile vegetable.

Eggplants are full of antioxidants. One of them, nasunin, can protect cell membranes in the brain from damage and guards the lipids, or fats in the brain cells. The other antioxidants can reduce cholesterol and have very strong anti microbial and anti bacterial qualities. Eggplant also has very low calories, only about 25 per cup, and high fiber, about 2 grams per serving. It contains essential minerals and vitamins such as potassium, manganese, copper, vitamins B1, 6, and 3, folate, and magnesium. Eggplant has a slightly bitter yet rich taste and texture that lends well to many styles of cooking.

Many people recommend salting cut eggplant before cooking in order to draw out some of the moisture and bitterness. I think this is somewhat unnecessary and extra work. However eggplant has a very spongy texture that absorbs quickly, especially oil. It should be used as soon as it’s cut or it will brown. Squeezing some citrus over cut eggplant can help delay the browning process somewhat.

Roasting eggplant is a wonderful method for enjoying its taste and benefits. Toss cubed eggplant with slices of red bell pepper, sliced red onion, cubed zucchini, salt, pepper, minced garlic, oregano, thyme, and a slight drizzle of EV olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Roast the veggies in a single layer on a baking tray at 425 for about 15-20 minutes, until a light golden brown color. They’re great on top of a salad, in a sandwich, as a side dish with crumbled feta, on crostini or bruschetta, as a pizza topping, or mixed into rice or pasta.

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Eggplant parmesan is a delicious dish, although it’s very high in calories and fat. For a lighter version brush eggplant rounds or slices with a little bit of EV olive oil, salt and pepper them, and roast in a baking tray on both sides until light brown and soft. Spoon your favorite marinara sauce in the bottom of a casserole dish and layer eggplant slices on top. Grate some lowfat mozzarella and about ¼ cup of parmesan on top. Ladle more sauce and a little more cheese on top. Sprinkle some oregano or fresh basil and bake at 375 until cheese is browned and sauce is bubbly.

Puree roasted eggplant into a dip with some lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, one or two anchovies, Italian parsley and lowfat yogurt. Top with chopped black olives and feta cheese and offer with vegetable crudités and crostini. Simply sauté cubes of eggplant with garlic in a small amount of EV olive oil, grate some Parmigiano or your favorite lowfat cheese on top and drizzle with lemon juice when finished for a delightfully simple and tasty side dish.

Try using eggplant in Asian dishes and stir-fries. Experiment with different varieties when you can find them, such as Japanese or baby eggplant. There are some varieties that are striped, light purple, and even white. The smaller eggplants tend to be sweeter, juicier and less bitter. Make sure you choose ones that have smooth glossy skin and are firm to the touch.

No matter how you prepare this beautiful vegetable, try and include it into your diet in a variety of ways. Its health benefits, beautiful looks and delicious taste and texture will enhance your diet and your life.

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