Eating Onions and Garlic for Their Antioxidants and Other Health Benefits

Onions and garlic are added to many everyday dishes. Beside from the strong odor and unappealing after-taste, onion and garlic flavors are enjoyed by most. However, a lot of people also include these two foods in their diets for the benefits of their antioxidants.

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are substances that help with protecting the body against free radicals. Free radicals are created when the body breaks down food and are damaging to body cells. They also come from certain environmental exposures, such as cigarette smoke. Overtime, built-up free radicals can increase the risks of certain damaging conditions, some cancers, and weakened body functions. However, an antioxidant-rich diet will boost the immune system, help stall or decrease the risks of age-related conditions, and fight against cancers.

Some substances that are considered antioxidants are vitamins A and C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene , and selenium. These antioxidants, including many others, are found in poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.

What are Onions and Garlic?

Both onions and garlic are Allium vegetables that are part of the lily family. They are from the same family as shallots, leeks, scallions, and chives. Garlic and onions are rich in thiosulfinates, sulfides, and sulfoxides. It’s the thiosulfinates that show antimicrobial qualities and the cysteine sulfoxides in onions that cause the eye-watering effect.

Generally, garlic and onions have very similar “healthy chemicals”, however, the chemicals are far more potent in garlic. For example, the sulfur compounds in garlic are four times the amount than onions.

Both garlic and onions are also rich in bioflavonoids. It is the bioflavonoids, such as quercetin (which also acts as an anti-inflammatory), that act as the primary antioxidant in these two foods.

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Are Some Onions Better Than Others?

After a test was done to determine what onions had the highest concentration of bioflavonoids, it was generally found that the stronger the smell, the healthier the onion. Out of the ten onions tested, Western Yellow had the highest amount of bioflavonoids; Western White and Vidalia onions had the least.

What is the Most Beneficial Ways to Eat Garlic and Onions?

Though many people cook garlic in their food, it can also be eaten raw. There are even garlic supplements available in tablet or capsule form. However, to get the most benefits from garlic, it is recommended to crush then lightly heat it. Overheating garlic for too long can destroy the healthy chemicals and microwaving almost completely destroys them. Boiling and baking are better alternatives.

The same goes for onions; the less cooking, the better. Be sure to pick out onions that have dry, crisp skins and are not yet sprouting.

What are Other Health Benefits of Onion and Garlic?

-They are commonly used for issues associated with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease,

-Garlic and onions are beneficial against stomach and colon cancers.

-Clinical studies have shown that garlic, which is also referred to as an herb, increases circulation and decreases calcium deposits if consumed on a regular basis.

-Being antimicrobial, garlic and onions are great immunity boosters. Simply increase garlic and onion consumption at the first signs of an illness to help ward of the virus or bacteria. They can also ward off body infections, including Salmonella, and E. coli, and UTIs.

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-Due to the high content of chromium, onions and garlic can fight against health conditions including diabetes by improving glucose tolerance and lowering insulin levels. .

-Onions are also used to help with breathing problems, including asthma.

-Garlic and onions are the two most powerful aphrodisiacs.

-Both can reduce inflammation.

-Onion juice has been shown to improve hair growth when applied to the scalp two times a day.

Are There Side Effects of Onions or Garlic?

Possible side effects and dangers associated with garlic and onions are heartburn, breath and body odor, upset stomach, and allergic reactions. Both have been shown to be a slight blood thinner, so use sparingly if you are planning on going into surgery in the near future. While onions have not been shown to interfere with any drug effectiveness, garlic has been shown to interfere with the drug, saquinavir, which is used to treat HIV infection.

Michael Leff “Health Benefits of Onion and Garlic”
Dr. Leo Galland, M.D., and Jonathan Galland “Onions, garlic, and scallions, oh my…”
Winston Craig “Health Benefits of Onions”
“Health Benefits of Onion”
Linda Tokarz”Garli’s Goodness Best released with a crush”