Natural Remedies for Treating Periodontal Disease

Did you know that periodontal disease is the second most prevalent infection in the United States? Only the dreaded common cold ranks higher. It is an infection that many people suffer from in some form, and many seem to be unaware that they even have it.

Periodontal disease is a very broad term, that can cover any form of infection located in the mouth. This can include gingivitis, which is an infection of the gums and can lead to pyorrhea which affects the teeth. Stomatitis is an infection and inflammation of oral tissue, such as the inside of your cheeks, lips and palate.

All of these ailments fall under the category of periodontal disease. If left unchecked, periodontal disease can become a very painful condition to suffer from and can lead to other health conditions. It is also generally a very embarrassing disorder for a person to suffer from. Fortunately, there are many things that a person can do to naturally treat periodontal disease and even help prevent it from occurring.

Proper oral hygiene of course goes a long way in treating and preventing periodontal disease. Regular checkups with your dentist can help detect problems early as well, so you can get a jump on your treatment. One natural supplement that you can take which is extremely beneficial in treating this infection is Coenzyme Q-10, which helps to increase tissue oxygenation in your body that will help provide healthy blood flow to your gums. You should also take daily doses of Vitamin C with additional bioflavonoids to help speed the healing process.

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There are many herbal treatments that you can use to treat periodontal disease as well. Applying aloe vera gel on your gums helps to sooth gum tissue and eases pain and discomfort. Clove is a very popular herbal treatment for gum disease. Clove oil helps to reduce infection and help relieve pain. You can also used crushed cloves as a poultice on irritated areas. Clove will help draw out infections and heal gum and tooth abscesses.

Echinacea and goldenseal are beneficial as they provide anti-bacterial properties to help relieve infection and inflammation. Theses herbs can be drank in a tea form, or made into rinses that you can gargle with to cleanse the area. If you use goldenseal, you should use it as a rinse rather than a tea, as goldenseal should not be taken internally for a prolonged period of time.

Following these simple tips and practicing good oral hygiene will go a long way in treating and curing periodontal disease. Brush your teeth regularly after meals, and rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash. You should also floss daily to help remove food particles from between teeth and help remove plaque build up. If you suffer from periodontal disease already, you should start these treatments immediately. However, even if you have healthy teeth and gums, it can’t hurt you to follow them as well and help prevent periodontal disease from occurring in the first place.