Easy Tuna Casserole Dish

You know who your true friends are when they come into your house, take over your kitchen, and God bless her cook for you. It seems like we have known each other forever but it has only been four plus years. Our children go to the same “school” for pre-K which in Florida is in a day care. We can tell they are in day care. My daughter only stays the three hours for school but she sure does bring some crazy illnesses home. Most of the time she isn’t the one to get sick. It is usually my son or me. That’s for a whole other story.

The other day, I picked up her son and my daughter and took them to the library. That outing ended quite early and we had to come back to my house. Something hit me at the library and I was sick in a matter of minutes. It was almost like food poisoning. We got back to our house and I called her. She was on her way luckily. She got here and while I took an hour to gather my wits she stayed with me and the kids. She even made supper for all of us. That was such a blessing she was here that night.

I am not much of a cook and spices aren’t really good to me. So she had to throw something together. She has got to be a chef in disguise. I use Miracle Whip instead of Mayonnaise and evidently there is a major difference in taste when you are cooking. I wouldn’t know, my taste buds don’t always distinguish the different flavors. All I can tell you if it’s chocolate I know it.

See also  Creative Things to Add to Mac and Cheese

So after a quick survey of my cabinets she asked what meats I had, what types of noodles we had to use for all of us, and of course the Mayonnaise versus Miracle whip thing. Then we had the spice talk. She decided on a homemade tuna casserole any canned cooking person would love.

Recipe for canned tuna casserole:

2 boxes of macaroni and cheese (7.25 oz ea), boil the macaroni and put 3/4 of the macaroni into a casserole dish and add one and a half packets of cheese
1 can mixed vegetables
1 can chicken noodle soup
salt and pepper to taste
1 can of tuna
2 tablespoons of miracle whip, then allspice seasoning- if you use mayonnaise you can do garlic, basil, parsley, onion powder, or onions
put your favorite kind of cheese on top (we used sliced american cheese not a cheese product)

Cook at 425 degrees until cheese brown

Then thank Cami for going through my cabinets.