Easy Rice Recipe: Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is so easy and simple to make but many people are intimidated by it. They don’t realize that all you need to make an easy and delicious rice pudding is milk, rice, and sugar or sweetener of choice. That is really all there is to it. Then you can spice up this delicious sweet rice dish to add anything you like. That way, you can take a popular comfort food, and make it uniquely your own.

Perfect rice pudding should not be a mushy, soft puree, nor should it be too firm or dry. The best rice pudding should be one which is not too firm and not too mushy, and which is not too sweet. One of the traits that makes rice pudding so wonderfully delectable, can be summed up in one word: creamy. Rice pudding should be creamy, it should almost melt in your mouth. So, even though many people are trying to lose weight and cut calories, rice pudding probably isn’t the place to be skimming off the top. Don’t use skim milk or you will have soggy rice water, and not rice pudding. You can get a pretty good rice pudding by using 2% milk, but if you really want a rice pudding that people will be talking about, use whole milk, or better yet, half and half or cream.

Here is how to make an easy rice pudding that is simple, easy, creamy, and delicious. I like to use a short grain white rice, as long grain is often more chewy. Definitely don’t use brown rice, it will taste mealy and chewy, and not creamy.

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1/2 cup rice
3 cups cream or whole milk
dash of salt
1/4 cup white sugar, or 1/3 cup honey (I prefer honey)
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (use pure vanilla)
dash of cinnamon
dash of nutmeg
dash of brown sugar

In a heavy-bottomed pan (so as not to scorch the milk or cream), combine the rice, salt, and milk. Bring to a boil on high heat , then reduce the temperature to medium so that the rice can simmer. You will simmer the rice until it is tender, which usually takes about 20-25 minutes. During this time you want to stir, stir, stir — you want a creamy white rice pudding, not a black, burnt mess, and milk can scorch easily! When the rice is soft but not mushy (al dente) remove it from heat and add the other ingredients. Then, return it to low heat for about 5-10 minutes until it thickens.

Then, you can add in some fun things. Raisins are a traditional rice pudding add in, but you can get creative and add other dried fruits. Some people like to add a spoonful or two of a jam they like. If you are making rice pudding around the holidays, a bit of pureed pumpkin, or apple butter is good for Halloween or Thanksgiving rice pudding. During the Christmas holidays, you can add dried cranberries for a festive red and white rice pudding.

Enjoy cooking and experimenting with additions to this easy rice pudding recipe. Let me know how it turns out!