Easy Children’s Party Games

Planning a birthday or holiday party with a guest list full of names from the ten and under set? Worried that the kids won’t find enough to do at your party to keep themselves entertained but dreading the time and effort you think it might take to plan party games? Put an end to your worries because there are plenty of easy to plan children’s party games that take almost no effort (or cost) to set up and can be easily adapted to any birthday or party theme you might have in mind.


This classic game can be adapted to any party and is great for children of all ages, even toddlers who may have trouble understanding the rules of many other games. Obviously you can change this game up to pin the tail on any animal (a reindeer for a Christmas party, rabbit for an Easter party, horse for a farm-themed birthday party, etc.), but you can also adapt it to non-animal themes (like place the crown on the princess for a princess birthday party or put the mask on Batman for a Batman party).

To set up this easy children’s party game just draw a large figure (donkey, horse, princess, etc.) on posterboard or butcher paper. If you aren’t a great artist you could borrow a projector to trace a template or enlist the help of someone who is, but really, the kids won’t care if it isn’t perfect. Then cut out the “tail” and scrounge up an old bandana or scarf to place over the children’s eyes.

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To play, place the scarf over the kids’ eyes, spin them around a few times to disorient them a bit, and then let them go and see who comes closest to the mark.

Hot Potato

Another easy children’s party game that can be played by toddlers and older children alike is the similarly easy-to-adapt classic Hot Potato. You could use any object (or the old-fashioned potato) for the kids to toss around depending on your theme.

To play, sit the kids in a circle, start some theme music and have them begin passing around the “potato.” When an adult turns off the music, whoever is holding the “potato” is out. This continues until only one person is left and declared the winner.

Musical Chairs

Played just like Hot Potato minus the potato and adding in some chairs, this classic children’s party game is a good way to get kids up and active. Just arrange small chairs in a circle (one less than however many kids are playing), start the music and tell the kids to walk around the chairs in a circle. When the music stops the kids should all try to sit down in a chair near them and whoever ends up without a seat is out. Remove a chair and continue until only one child remains.

Simon Says

Any game where you don’t even have to come up with any props makes for one seriously easy children’s party game, and Simon Says is just that. While some toddlers may not quite understand the rules, they will probably catch on after a round or two, and will have fun nonetheless.

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Scavenger Hunt

Ideal for an outdoor children’s party, Scavenger Hunts are fun and easy games that help children learn to work together to find specific items. For an easy to plan scavenger hunt just have children find things that are already lying around in your yard or park or wherever you are playing (like sticks, rocks, leaves, etc.). For younger kids you can keep it basic like “Find one stick, two rocks, three leaves” and so on, while for older kids you could make things more challenging by asking them to find “one large brown rock, one yellow leaf, two brown leaves, a stick longer than 6 inches,” etc. Whatever team of kids finds the items the fastest wins.

These easy children’s party games are so simple to plan and play and will keep kids at your next party entertained for hours.