Easy Card Tricks to Learn on Your Own

Card tricks are easy to learn and most require nothing more than a regular deck of playing cards and a lot of practice. This article will explain two easy card tricks that will fool your friends and entertain your family.

Three Amigos-Before starting the trick, remove the four Jacks from the pack and place one Jack face down on top of the pack. Present the three Jacks to your audience and make up a story about three best friends and how they couldn’t bear to be apart. Explain how one day the three amigos were lost in the desert and the best way to seek help was to go in different directions. The first one to get help would come and get the others. Get the spectator to place one Jack on top of the pack, one Jack anywhere in the middle and the last Jack on the bottom of the pack. After confirming with the spectator that he is happy that the Jacks are well separated, get him to cut the pack ensuring that the bottom half of the pack is on top of the other half. (This will bring the top and bottom Jack together with the previously placed Jack.) The cards are then turned face up from the top of the pack eventually turning over three Jacks together near the center. Conclude your story that in the end the friends kept their word and lived happily ever after.

Double Cross- Before you begin the trick, take a full suit of 13 (any one) and lay them down on the table face up, in numerical order Tell a spectator to note the order of the cards. Square them up and hold them face down in your left hand. You say: “You must tell me how to deal these cards so that we can be sure they are thoroughly mixed.” Explain that the instructions you need from them are: “DEAL and DOUBLECROSS.” When they day “DEAL”, you’ll put one card on the table (face down) and when they say “DOUBLECROSS, you’ll take the next card from the pile in your hand, put it under the first one (on the same pile) and then deal both of them together on the table (again face down). You then follow their instructions and deal the cards exactly as they say into a pile on the table. You square up the pile and then suggest that to be sure the cards are really well mixed, you do it once more. Once again follow their instructions and deal the cards as they say into a pile. You say: “You’re now going to see that no matter what you tell me to do with the cards; they will only do as I tell them.” Turn the cards over so they’re face up and spread them out in a line. All 13 of them will be in the same numerical order as at the beginning of the trick. You take a bow as the spectators loudly applaud.

See also  How to do the Amazing "Pick a Card, Any Card" Trick

With easy to learn card tricks like these, you’ll be the life of any party. After you have these two tricks perfected, there will be many more to learn.

www.goodtricks.net/ threeamigos.html