Drug, Alcohol Rehab Center Offers Free Online Book for Addiction Recovery

The Mark Houston Recovery center for drug and alcohol addiction, located in Austin, Texas has recently released a free e-book about addiction and recovery.

The Mark Houston Recovery center is a recovery program for individuals recovering from alcoholism and/or drug addiction that focuses on preventing relapse. The e-book entitled, The 12 Spiritual Laws of Addiction Recovery: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Life from Addiction, (available at: http://www.markhoustonrecovery.com/documents/Spiritual-Laws-eBook.pdf) details the 12 spiritual laws individuals may use in order to recover from alcoholism and/or drug addiction. The recovery program at the Mark Houston Recovery treatment facility is based on these 12 spiritual laws and teaches men how to find inner peace and avoid relapse.

The 12 spiritual laws detailed in The 12 Spiritual Laws of Addiction Recovery: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Life from Addiction are: the Law of Caring, the Law of Consent, the Law of Substitution, the Law of Forgiveness, the Law of Use, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Responsibility, the Law of Subconscious Activity, the Law of Practice, the Law of Relaxation, and the Law of Intent.

For instance, the e-book describes the Law of Caring as being based on the idea that we can achieve the things, which we truly care about. In other words, according to the e-book, one can recover and avoid relapse back into drug addiction or alcoholism if one truly cares about recovery and living a life of sobriety, free from alcohol and drug addiction.

The Mark Houston Recovery center for alcohol and drug addiction is a 90-day residential program for males in which they are taught life skills that help them live permanently sober lives once they leave the treatment facility. The program teaches its residents how to budget, the importance of daily prayer or meditation, how to stay physically healthy, impulse control skills, communication skills, nutrition, and how to maintain a healthy, safe environment. The program also fosters sobriety through a regular, predictable, daily schedule.

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Additionally, residents in the drug and alcohol treatment center participate in 12 step meetings every day of the week. During their first month at the center, residents work through steps 1-3 and begin work on the 4th step. Steps 4-9 are completed during their second month of treatment and steps 10-12 are completed during their final month at the facility.

The Mark Houston Recovery center for individuals with alcoholism and/or drug addiction believes the 12 steps, life skills, and spiritual laws are all essential aspects of recovery.

Interested individuals may now download the e-book, The 12 Spiritual Laws of Recovery: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Life from Addiction Recovery, for free at: http://www.markhoustonrecovery.com/documents/Spiritual-Laws-eBook.pdf.


PR Leap: Mark Houston Recovery Center Publishes Free E-Book: The 12 Spiritual Laws of Addiction Recovery:

The 12 Spiritual Laws of Addiction Recovery: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Life from Addiction: E-Book:

Mark Houston Recovery: Programs – The 12 Steps:

Mark Houston Recovery: Program – Life Skills: