How to Choose an Ebook Compiler Guide

You wrote and revised your ebook, hired a graphic artist that submitted outstanding graphics for your ebook, and you’re finally ready to put your eBook together for sale. There is a software called an ebook compiler that can help you do just that.

First you need to know what an ebook compiler does before choosing and purchasing the ebook compiler.

Ebook Compilers Explained

An ebook compiler is a piece of software that converts html or plain text pages into a single executable file or an ebook. If your ebook contains graphics in the html coding, you will meed a html ebook compiler. You will need to have a working knowledge of the html tag language for this ebook compiling software. Microsoft Frontpage or Macromedia Dreamweaver will be able to do the html tag language for you.

Choosing an Ebook Compiler

The following simple guidelines can help you decipher all the technical language and sales copy of the vast amount of ebook compilers on the marketplace.

Ebook Compiler Factors

Factor One: Writing Software

Which form did you create your ebook in? Did you create your ebook in html, a word processor or in a PDF form? You will find there are quite a few choices for a html ebook compiler, however, you will be able to find ebook compilers that will convert PDF files into an ebook.

Fact Two: Ebook Compiler Instructions

You will need to consider how easy it is to use the ebook compiler and how easy the instruction manual is to follow. It is very important that your ebook compiler has an instruction manual, online wizards or documentation of some form to walk you through any of the compiling you are having issues with. It is best to download the free trial version before purchasing the compiler to check if the ebook compiler software meets your needs.

Fact Three: Ebook Compiler Security Features

You will want to check out the security features of the ebook compiler software if you are going to sell your ebooks online. The security features should include text editing prevention from any user edits, page assignment access, password protection, multiple password generations, open passwords, and be user-friendly.

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Fact Four: Script Support

A script support allows you to create and modify user interactivity, customize menus, and create special effects. You will want to know which kinds of scripts are supported with each of the ebook compilers. You will want to choose an ebook compiler that will let you include search windows, hyperlinks, graphics, surveys, forms, and other interactive areas in your ebook.

Fact Five: Pricing

You will want to know what you are going to include in your ebook before purchasing any ebook compiler. The more expensive software isn’t always the best choice for you ebook needs.

Ebook Compiler Factors

Factor One: Browsers

You will want to make sure you have the correct browser for the compiler so you are able to use the compiler after purchase. Many of the compilers will use Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you do not have the compatible browser for the software you purchased, the compiler will not work. The html ebook compilers do not require a browser in order for the software to run on your computer, but these compilers will run on any Windows Operating System.

If the compiler you choose requires a certain browser, make sure the browser is installed properly on your computer, configured properly per the compiler’s instructions, any functions are turned on or off, and make any adjustments needed accordingly.

Factor Two: Security

An essential part of any ebook compiler is security. One reason is so that the users and readers are not able to make modifications to your ebook. A compiler that is secure will only allow the users to open certain pages or enter the ebook with the correct password.

You are able to discover how secure your compiler is by opening any ebook on it. You check the temporary directory while the ebook is open in the compiler. You can check how secure the ebook is by typing C:windowtemp. There may be a large number of files showing while the ebook is open or running. If you do see the files, it means your computer is decompressing the secure data before the viewer sees the ebook. This particular method is not secure.

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Anyone who is knowledgeable on how to access the temporary files can steal your ebook’s data or change it to suit their needs. That is one of the main reasons of purchasing a html ebook compiler, so that you can protect your property online.

Factor Three: Passwords

Passwords are another important factor when choosing an ebook compiler software. You will want to check out what types of passwords the compiler supports. In general, all ebook compiler software has some form of password protection. The best software offers a variety of ways to generate passwords. You will want to chose a compiler that gives the option of a secure, user-friendly, open password generation.

You will want to learn if your ebook compiler creates the passwords online. This option will also allow you to choose any payment processing system or give you the ability to collect payments yourself.

Factor Four: Ebook Size

The best of the ebook compilers can create up to two gigabytes in size without decompressing anything to your hard drive. Ebooks that are generally two gigabytes in size can support six gigabytes of compressed data and generally the text files will be compressed.

You will want a compiler that won’t decompress this much data. What will happen is when the user tries to open the ebook they will have to wait for the decompressing of the ebook to finish. You will want a compiler that will only compress the temporary files that are not html. Such non-html files are Acrobat files, flash, and word. This type of compiler is faster and more secure.

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Factor Five: System Compatibility

Your ebook compiler needs to be compatible with your computer’s operating system. Your compiler needs to use the same version of Windows that is already installed on your computer.

Factor Six: Vendor Support

You want to choose a compiler that has an installation program. With an installation program, this allows you to chose the locations of where the compiler will be placed on your computer. This will include where the software will be placed, start menu and desktop shortcuts, and any other places the software can be placed

Support is extremely important to have with the compiler. You want the vendor support to be accessible and excellent. When you are working on and selling your ebooks into the wee hours of the morning, you will find this particular factor very helpful if you run into any problems. You definitely will want to check into the free technical support because having unlimited technical support is the best option.

Factor Seven: Service Level Agreement

You will want to see if the software company offers a service level agreement on the ebook compiler. The service level agreement assures you quality responses to your problems or questions that you have from their end.

Factor Eight: Market Time

You will want to consider how long the ebook compiler has been on the market. The version number generally will give you an idea because the longer it has been on the market and the higher the version number, the longer it has been on the market. You will want to read through the reviews that others have given the ebook compiler for further information about it.