Drink Oat Straw Tea for Anxiety and Tension

Many people feel anxious from time to time and could use a gentle, safe and natural form of relief. A surprising number of people deal with anxiety on a regular basis, and for some this condition can make it difficult to enjoy everyday life. There are many ways to treat anxiety disorder, from therapy to prescription medications. Drinking a cup of herbal tea for anxiety is not a cure for this condition, but it can help to ease anxiousness, nervousness and tension.

Oat straw is a wonderful, nourishing herb for calming the nerves and easing anxiety. In all my years of using herbs I have found this to be one of the most gentle, yet beneficial herbs for instilling calm. It is packed with nutrients to support nervous system well-being as well as antioxidants to protect cells and other beneficial phytochemiclas. Find out how to make and enjoy a cup of oat straw tea for yourself.

Soothing Benefits of Oats

Why is oat straw such an excellent herb to make into a tea for anxiety? Avena sativa nourishes and protects the nervous system with B vitamins, magnesium, calcium and antioxidants. Taken over time oats restore nerve health. They help to revive mind and body after periods of depression. Aside from strengthening the nerves and reducing anxiety, drinking oat straw tea is also great for insomnia and improving the skin.

Making Tea and More

To make a cup of oat straw tea simply steep two teaspoons of the dried herb in one cup of boiling water for ten minutes. This herbal infusion has a mildly sweet, grassy flavor. It tastes wonderfully on its own, or add a little honey and milk for a comforting evening tea. For an even more relaxing herbal blend, add a teaspoon of dried lavender or chamomile to the oat straw before brewing.

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Drinking an infusion of oat straw is a great natural way to relieve anxiety, but there are other ways to enjoy the benefits of oats. Dried oats are not as concentrated of a source of nutrients as the oat straw, but they are very close. Enjoy oatmeal for breakfast or make cakes from oat flour to nourish your nerves. You can also add a strong oat straw infusion to bath water to make a soothing bath to ease nervousness. Steep four tablespoons of the dried herb in four cups of boiling water and add to your bath.

Avena sativa is an ideal plant for reducing anxiety and for simply improving overall well-being. This herb is safe for general use, but it is always important to talk to your doctor before using herbal medicine if pregnant, nursing or if you are on any medications.

Balch, Phyllis A. “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).
Hoffmann, David. “The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies.” (Element Books, 1996).