Dr. Phil Show Sucks, so Why is it Still on Air?

Yes Dr. Phil show sucks, this from a person who is a regular viewer and visits the show’s homepage regularly to get “updates”. This realization didn’t come suddenly. On show at a time, I began to see that Dr. Phil show is nothing but a hoax to launch books, diet plans, promote people and get those advertising dollars.


How many of you watched the show aired on October 3rd, the one with his wife Robin and the speakers from Women of Faith? That show was nothing but a pathetic attempt to promote Women of Faith and Robin. I am not saying that Women of Faith is some sort of negative influence. But the way that show lacked in material and presentation, and focused solely on the people behind the group and Robin is tell-tell sign that it was nothing but an advertisement for the group and Robin.


Now this is not the first time Dr. Phil devoted an entire show pushing this agenda. Some days back there was a show on his wife. Raving about her book and how great she is. Robin may be a good wife and a good mother but does American needs to know that? How does some trivia about Robin add to the show which is there to discuss about the life issues facing people? Things really went ugly when Dr. Phil and Robin started bragging about their son’s wedding. For people like me, struggling to pay our bills, seeing his son gift a diamond earring to his bride was like a slap on our face. Why show off? Wedding is a PRIVATE affair, there is no reason Dr. Phil show needed to show off the wedding video.

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Then there is Dr. Phil the diet specialist. As far as I know he is not a medical doctor or a nutrition specialist. So why is he giving diet advice to us?? We know we have to eat less and exercise more, not use food as an escape, and as far as I know Dr. Phil repeats the same thing in each of his diet show. Isn’t it time the show is taken off air?

Shameless promotion of his wife, his books and his diet programs is forcing viewers to shun the Dr. Phil show. I believe the ones still watching the show are either totally in love with Dr. Phil or are staying put trying to find answers to their life’s problems. I have nothing to say to those who love him but if you are trying to find answers to your problems, run as fast as you can. Dr. Phil has nothing new to offer. If you watch seven or eight shows, you will realize that.


It is time Dr. Phil show be scrapped; it has lost its edge (if any) and is stale as Paris Hilton tapes. So long Dr. Phil.
