“Dr. Oz – Weight Watchers”

The Weight Watchers Points Plus Diet Plan which allows dieters to eat the foods they love and still lose up to 10% of their weight was discussed on the Dr. Oz show. “You don’t have to give up your tacos or pizza,” said Dr. Oz.

The Weight Watchers diet plan representative highlighted four important rules on the Dr. Oz show for Points Plus dieters to follow. Dieters that follow these rules will be more successful. In addition to losing weight, they will boost their overall health.

1. Make Smart Food Choices. Weight Watchers shares Dr. Oz’s passion about making healthy lifestyle changes. The goal is to get people to permanently make wise choices about the foods they purchase, and also to transform the way they cook these foods so that they will have higher nutritional values.

2. Don’t Give Up the Food You Love. Based on the Points Plus plan, dieters will still be able to eat their favorite dishes; the new Weight Watchers plan gives dieters more flexibility. Dieters will usually stick to the plan longer when they are able to eat the foods they enjoy. They simply have to reduce the amount of certain foods, and they need to learn how to prepare the foods in a healthier way. While tacos and pizza are normally considered junk foods, they are fine in limited amounts with the new Weight Watchers plan. You will still lose weight,” said Dr. Oz.

3. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables. The Weight Watchers plan calls for an increase in fruits and vegetables in order to fill the body with healthy calorie sources. Plant-based foods make perfect snacks to eat between meals. Moreover, the antioxidants and fiber provided from plant-based foods supports optimum health. Dr. Oz recommends purchasing organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible to reduce the intake of harmful pesticides.

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4. Seek Support. Having a support system in place could help you maintain healthy habits. While you are on a diet surround yourself with optimistic people who support you in your efforts.
For details about the Weight Watchers Points Plus Diet Plan, visit the Dr. Oz Show website.