Don’t Waste Your Money Buying a Refurbished iPod

Everyday, hundreds of eBay members list iPods for sale, “cheap.” Same with Craigslist. Should you buy one of these refurbished iPod? NO! While some refurbished iPods can be as good as a brand-new-out-of-the-box-never-used iPod, the problems come in with “where” you buy them. Don’t waste your money buying a refurbished iPod from a complete stranger!

When you add it all up, the problems simply outweigh the risks to spend your hard earned money on an unknown. Here’s why buying refurbished iPods from eBay or Craigslist isn’t a good idea.

What model is the iPod?
iPod technology changes pretty quickly. What was state of the art a few years ago, is now last year’s leftovers. What looks like a good deal might not really perform like you thought it would. Not all iPods can show pictures or play movies. Buying a refurbished iPod means that you’re buying old technology.

Those “great” deals might not be so “great”
You’ve found a great deal on a refurbished iPod, right? If you’re using eBay or Craigslist your “deal” may not be such a great “deal” after all. Who refurbished the iPod? Was it someone reputable who knows what they’re doing? It’s a bit like buying a used car from the used car dealer that opened their business on the street corner yesterday. You don’t really know what you’re getting, or who certified that the iPod works great and without problems.

What are they really selling?
I’m really not sure what to call what they’re selling, but it’s not iPods. Are their sales legal? Yes. Moral? No, I don’t think so. Here’s a sampling of what I found advertised for iPod sales.

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* Web sites that offered the chance to get an iPod in exchange for signing up for a certain number of products, and getting others to sign up, too

* eBay auctions that aren’t selling iPods, they’re selling envelopes. Yep. An envelope! It’s cheap, usually under $5, and the person who’s selling that envelop will also give you a free “gift” for buying an envelope. When you get the envelope that you bought, open it up to discover what your “free gift” is. Some people get sayings, others get coupons, and one lucky person will be “given” an iPod.

Buy from a friend, buy from Apple, or buy it new
Refurbished iPods might look like a great deal. They’re usually not. You’re much better off saving your money to buy a new iPod. If you have friends who have an iPod, or your friends have friends with iPods, let them know you’re interested in buying their iPod if they ever upgrade. If you do want to buy a refurbished iPod, go to the source — check with an Apple store, or Apple online.
