Does Your Church Need a Community Outreach Team?

When looking at innovative way to reach out to your community, do not overlook meeting the basic needs of your community. Community outreach is not always limited to reaching out to them with the gospel of Christ. It also means reaching out to them and providing basic needs, necessities, sense of community and showing love and hospitality to those around you.

I recently heard our Middle School pastor relate a story about a homeless man who used to come to our church regularly begging, coming for free meals on Wednesday nights, who was very antagonistic towards God and all Christian or “religious folk.

A month or so ago, a gentleman came to the church receptionist and asked to see our M.S. Pastor. The Pastor recognized the name but was having a hard time putting a face with a name. When he came down to see the man they engaged in polite conversation and the mans countenance completely changed. His eyes started welling up with tears and he inquired “You don’t know who I am do you?” Our Pastor stated that he did not know who he was.

Well…he ended up telling the Pastor who he was and what the love shown to him by the church had done for him. He had turned his life over to the Lord and experienced the life changing love of Him. He mentioned that it was the love, patience and generosity of the people from our church. That even when he was antagonistic and ungrateful they continued to love on him and provide for his needs.

Tears were pouring down his face at this time when he further shared that now he had his own apartment, had a job, was getting ready to buy his own home and was a completely changed person. He just wanted to stop by and say thanks to those who spent time with him. Wow! We serve an awesome God and praise the Lord for his working in the lives of His children!

I share the above story with you as a demonstration of the needs of a community above our presenting the Gospel to them. So, when you are considering a Community Outreach Team or effort, consider all the needs and meet them where you can and where they will be most effective.

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The Concept

*A _______ Church based community outreach team (C.O.T.) in the Greater (Location) area.
*A way to be a brighter lighthouse in our community.

The Opportunity

*Minister to our community by providing on site outreach to communities in the Greater (Location) area.
*Increased exposure to the community and demonstration of Christ’s love through His children
*Volunteer opportunity to (Church Name) members who have the time, ability, background and calling to serve in this very important way.

The Potential

We have the potential to reach communities through innovative means by providing on site:

• Testimony/Gospel presentation
• Inspirational movies/programs
• One on one counseling
• Marketing and awareness of (Name of Church) Church

What Will the C.O.T. Provide?


*Personal testimony
*On site visits and neighborhood enhancement for outreach services.


*Personal testimony
*Christian Music
*Exposure through various local fairs (i.e. agricultural fair, community fairs, etc.)
*Partnering with churches of like faith to reach communities and share resources
*Developing rapport and relationship with local radio/cable access channels to market the COT efforts

What Skills/Abilities will the Volunteers need?

Christian Character
*Professed follower of Christ
*Man/Woman of prayer
*Desire to serve the community
*Ability to share their faith
*Availability- Must be able to respond timely to needs as they occur
*Personable and enjoys interacting with people

*Got Life? Trained (Evangelism)
*Basic Crisis Counseling
*Basic Computer Skills
*Valid State Drivers License
*Exposure through various local fairs (i.e. agricultural fair, community fairs, etc.)
*Leadership ability
*Public speaking capability or servant ability.

What Resources Does the C.O.T. need?

*One 15 Passenger (or improved cargo) Van (Customized for needs) OR
*Motor home with generator capabilities, awning, etc.
*One enclosed trailer for hauling supplies

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• Blankets
• Water
• Folding tables
• Folding chairs
• Mosquito/Bug spray
• Projector and sound equipment

*Coffee maker
*Cooler for perishable foods
*Laptop Computer
*Upscale laptop computer with DVD drive for showing movies.
*Sound equipment – Speakers, microphone, cables, etc
*Laptop projector
*10×12 Roll down movie screen
*Back up generator

Future Vision and Growth

• C.O.T. teams adopted by other affiliated churches in (Your State) and surrounding states.
• Expanded outreach through
• State/County/Local Fairs – Informational booths
• Saturday evening movies in various communities:
• Set up equipment (Projectors, screen (off side of van) sound system and show Veggie Tales, Christian children’s movies, have snacks, devotion, testimony and invite them to church on Sunday.
• Ministry/tract blitzes
• Bible Distribution (Maybe in conjunction with or assisting Gideon activities, if allowed)
• Partnerships with local radio/TV stations for awareness and farther reach into community.

Strategy and Schedule

*Obtain commitment on donations for COT
*Gain input and brainstorming session with (Church) Pastoral Staff and other church leaders
*Establish rapport with local radio/T.V./Cable Stations
*Determine equipment we will need to purchase
*Enlist Volunteers -Marketing to SBC Membership
*Consider partnering with local churches of like faith

*June 20__ – Adopt plan
*July 20__ – Implement
*May 20__ – Evaluate
*June 20__ – Adjust


• We have an unprecedented opportunity to take the church to the next level and provide practical help and assistance to the community surrounding us and
share the love of Christ with many more folks.
• This is something the Lord placed on my heart while on mission in Moldova in April 2005. While in prayer and seeking His guidance He brought it to my
attention as a real possibility to make an impact right here in our city, county, state and country.

There are some similar resources available through some affiliations such as the Southern Baptist Convention that you can review for additional ideas, partnering, etc. There will be some expense related to the church but I also envision fundraising and opportunities for local businesses to assist in the funding of the COT.

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Example of Christ meeting real needs for the community

LUKE 5:4-11

4When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” 6And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” 9For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken; 10and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” 11So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.

If you and your church are prayerfully considering a ministry opportunity like this, please feel free to e-mail me and I have a tri-fold brochure I can make available as well for you to use in marketing, awareness and fundraising efforts. May the Lord guide and direct you in this and all endeavors for His kingdom’s work. I am praying for you!

– The Scotsman –
