Does Cinnamon Help with Weight Loss?

Made from the bark of an evergreen tree that is native to Sri Lanka and Southern India, “true cinnamon,” also known as Ceylon cinnamon, is primarily used in Europe. Its close cousin named Cassia is grown in China and Indonesia and is often sold as cinnamon in the United States and Canada. They offer the same potential health benefits, which include lowering blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Proven to stimulate insulin production and decrease blood glucose levels, cinnamon may be especially beneficial for weight loss.

What Cinnamon Contains

Containing 1 gram of fiber, 1 gram of carbohydrate, vitamins C, K, iron, calcium and manganese in ½ a teaspoon serving, cinnamon also contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols, which are being studied for their cancer-fighting properties.

Cinnamon Research

One of the most promising discoveries about the positive benefits of cinnamon was discovered accidentally in a United States Department of Agriculture lab in Maryland. A study was being conducted monitoring the effects of apple pie consumption on blood glucose levels. Researchers were surprised to find that the apple pie, containing cinnamon lowered blood glucose levels significantly. These researchers took the results of their study to Pakistan to conduct further testing on cinnamon.

Sixty patients who were not taking insulin for their type-2 diabetes condition were selected for this study. For 40 days, participants were given from ¼ teaspoon to around 2 teaspoons of cinnamon per day. Not only did cinnamon lower blood glucose levels and increase insulin levels, but it lowered the blood cholesterol levels of the participants as well. Benefits continued to be experienced for twenty days after the testing had concluded. Results of these findings were published in the Diabetes Care Journal.

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Cinnamon and Stomach Fat

An insulin resistance is often a cause of excessive abdominal fat. Through increasing insulin production, cinnamon may help an individual successfully lose fat from their abdomen and the entire body. In addition, cinnamon helps aid in proper digestion by relieving gas, bloating, heartburn and diarrhea.

Honey and Cinnamon Potion

There are many ways to add cinnamon to the diet. In the morning, cinnamon can be added to cereal, oatmeal, coffee, tea, and applesauce or even mixed into butter and spread onto toast. Some have recommended that the best way to experience the weight loss effects of cinnamon is through drinking it as a tea with raw honey added.

Begin by combining ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 4 ounces of boiling water. Cover the mixture and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of raw honey and stir. Drink one cup of this cinnamon potion in the morning on an empty stomach and one before bedtime to help achieve weight loss.


Although scientific proof is needed to prove cinnamon can cause significant weight loss, Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional Indian natural-healing system, suggests that a daily potion of cinnamon and honey can help weight loss.


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