Do Kegel Exercises to Control Ejaculation

Kegel exercises are a great way to strengthen your pubococcygeus muscles (PC) and get more control over ejaculation. PC muscles are the muscles that flex when you stop peeing midstream. They also control the flow of semen, and the firmness of your erections. Strengthening these muscles will help you to have more control over ejaculation, and make your penis stand much more erect.

You can perform Kegel exercises anywhere, and the best part is that nobody will know that you are doing them. To identify your PC muscles, pretend that you are peeing and that you want to stop midstream. Can you feel the muscles flex? If not, then wait until the next time you actually have to pee, and try this again. When you have identified them, these are the muscles that Kegel exercises work out.

To tone up these muscles, simply do sets of flexes consisting of several repetitions. At first, you should take it easy, because you don’t want to over-train the PC muscles. Find a comfortable rep-range, say 50 flexes. Do several sets throughout the day, whenever you feel comfortable. As your muscles strengthen, increase your number of reps, and practice flexing and holding; flexing and holding is the action that you will perform when preventing early ejaculation. Some advanced practitioners perform more challenging Kegel exercises such as lifting towels, when they are partially to fully erect. You should wait to try this after you have strengthened your PC muscles quite a bit.

Another approach to controlling ejaculation is with herbal supplements. Recent research has indicated that early ejaculation may be related to low nitric oxide levels (1). Several herbs and amino acids have been found to increase nitric oxide levels naturally, including: Horny Goat Weed (2), Cnidium Monieri, Panax Ginseng (3), and Arginine (4, 5).

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Works Cited

1. E.M. Hull, L.A. Lumley, L. Matuszewich, J. Dominguez, J. Moses, D.S. Lorrain, The roles of nitric oxide in sexual function of male rats, Neuropharmacology, Volume 33, Issue 11, November 1994, Pages 1499-1504, ISSN 0028-3908, DOI: 10.1016/0028-3908(94)90054-X.

2. Chiu JH, Chen KK, Chien TM et al. Epimedium brevicornum Maxim extract relaxes rabbit corpus cavernosum through multitargets on nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate signaling pathway. Int J Impot Res. 2006;18:335-42. PMID 16395327

3. Murphy LL, Lee TJ. Ginseng, Sex Behavior, and Nitric Oxide. May 2002.

4. Chen J, Wollman Y, Chernichovsky T, Iaina A, Sofer M, Matzkin H. Effect of oral administration of high-dose nitric oxide donor L-arginine in men with organic erectile dysfuntion: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. BJU int. 1999. Feb;83(3):269-273.

5. Meston CM, Worcel M. The effects of yohimbine plus L-arginine glutamate on sexual arousal in postmenopausal women with sexual arousal disorder. Arch Sex Behav. 2002. Augl31(4):323-332.

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