Do it Yourself Steampunk Accessories

Steampunk is an often misunderstood yet heavily followed trend these days. When asked specifically what steampunk is, many joke that it is goth with a little ecru and sepia added in. Nothing is farther than the truth. Steampunk refers to an alternative history of sorts. It can be loosely defined as the science fiction altered history of technology in the Victorian age, but to describe it in terms familiar to most, one might say that Steampunk is close to the films Wild Wild West and the fantastical works of Jules Verne. Steampunk is like Rand Miller’s Myst universe and the Final Fantasy Al Bhed clan rolled up into a high-society of tophats, stiff collars, and goggles. Some say steampunk indicates a future society developed after man touched the brink and returned in search of simpler ventures with an emphasis on machinery and classic sophistication.

Cosplayers and fashinistas alike have developed a taste for steampunk that travels well beyond Second Life’s Caledon community. Wearing steampunk accessories and traveling in steampunk circles has become a highly respected trend that far surpasses the punk, grunge, and goth movements that are often loosely referred to as steampunk related. Nothing is farther than the truth, however. While it is true that Poe and poetry both have a place in steampunk as does the occasional punk or grunge inspired elements, steampunk is all about basic technology and mechanics. The Victorian age is a rule rather than an exception, often with gender specific fashion intermingled with the androgynous. Here are some ideas for Steampunk accessories you don’t have to order from an artist to own:

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Top Hats are a common steampunk accessory. Although not everyone wears a top hat, they are favored by many due to their throwback look and ease of personalization. Black is best, and making a felt top hat not as difficult as one might think. The key to preparing the felt is not mercury, as it once was, but instead a glue stiffener typically found at craft supply stores. If none is available, watered-down school glue tends to do the trick. Information on how to create a top hat can be found here.

A monocle is another steampunk accessory that individuals can make all their own. Some have discovered that creating and steampunking up a monacle can be as simple as reworking a toy magnifying glass and adding detail. A loupe or Chelsea filter can increase intrigue and offer an exciting steampunk mechanical look to an otherwise often generic detail. Be sure to use the correct glue. To make a steam punk monocle, you need a lens, gears (preferred) and found materials. Affix the lens and apply gears or pipe detail. A photo tutorial with greater detail on how to create a very simple yet interesting example of this accessory can be found here.

Goggles are, when properly added to steampunk fashion, a wonderful accessory. They are not as common as those new to steampunk might think. Not everyone wears them, but when created and worn properly they can add to a great steampunk costume. In this case, the simpler the better for most steampunk players. Opera glasses and “John Lennon” style round framed spectacles have a similar guideline. Though it may seem like everyone has one of these accessories, the truth is not everyone does. In addition, if one has a monacle, one likely has little need for a pair of spectacles as well. Those desiring to mimic flight, those who drive the horseless carriage, and inventors in general usually own and wear a pair of simple goggles. Those with vision challenges wear spectacles. Simple rules of thumb, but these thoughts can get lost in those who want to mimic steampunk without truly understanding it.

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Leather trench coats can be the foundation of a great steampunk accessory. When studying steampunk fashion, one can not help but notice the fitted aspect of much of the attire. One of the most interesting ways of fitting a trench coat is to add eyelets and lace the preferred dart area with a strip of matching leather. Leather and eyelet tools are common at most craft stores. In addition, replacing fasteners and reworking collars to a more military dress style is also recommended. In many cases, a knotted frog closure style works well to do both.

Whatever the reason for appreciating steampunk, creating accessories is one of the best parts of the trend. Through the painstaking creation of gear, steampunk becomes more than simply a worn fashion or fad. It transcends instead into a sensation, philosophy, and part of life. Steampunk attracts the intellectual and aesthetic because it is in essence speculative history and art you can wear. It is felt rather than seen, experienced rather than emulated, and learned rather than attempted.