How to Slim Your Thighs

The best exercise for thigh reduction involves burning off the fat while firming and toning. The first thing you have to do is to lower your caloric intake which will reduce bloating and rid you of excess water weight. Aerobic exercise is perfect for burning off fat and you don’t need to jar your frame out of joint by jogging or jumping around.

Walking is a form of aerobic exercise that increases circulation and helps develop muscle tone. A brisk, thirty minute walk, will burn up calories and fat and a daily routine of walking and exercise will effectively reduce those thighs. Always do stretches before any kind of exercises and start off slowly doing only a few of each a day until you get your body in shape.

Leg weight lifts go a long way in helping to reduce thighs. In a straight-backed chair, fasten weights to your ankles. Lift one leg, and then the other then both. This will not only tone your legs and thighs, it will also strengthen your stomach muscles. Do only a few at first and increase each day.

The scissors exercises can greatly reduce thighs. Lying on your side, lift your legs straight out and move them back and forth in a scissor-like fashion. Turn to the other side and repeat. Doing this for about two or three minutes each day will make a big difference in the size of your thighs. Increase the time each day until you are able to endure for a good five minutes per side.

The leg lifts work wonders on thighs. Lay on your side, lift the top leg straight out and slowly lower it until it touches the other. This will really tighten those thigh muscles and reduce them to the right size. You can also use the weights with this exercise.

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The upside down bicycle helps tone and shape your thighs. Lying on your back, hands beneath your thighs, elbows on the floor, raise your thighs and pedal your legs as if you were riding an invisible bicycle upside down. This is a very good exercise for the thighs while burning calories at the same time. However, if you have a bicycle, you could reduce and tone your thighs quickly while burning those calories.

Chair squats can do so much for those flabby thighs. Hold to the back of a chair, squat down slowly and rise back to a standing position. This will tighten all of your leg muscles. Be sure to keep your back straight. Do only a few of these if you want to be able to get out of bed the next day. They are very effective and will leave you sore. Go slow and see how many you can handle until you can endure for eight to ten minutes per session.

It all boils down to how bad you want it. And a healthy, well-balanced diet is the key to overall fitness. Drink lots of water, green tea, and cranberry juice. Include nuts with your treats which are loaded with heart-healthy omega 3’s and muscle building protein and be sure to add plenty of those green, leafy vegetables to your diet.

Proper diet goes a long way toward sliming and toning our muscles. Jesus Christ was said to be in good physical shape. As a carpenter with no modern tools, His work was quite strenuous. Furthermore, He traveled long distances during His ministry.

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It is well documented that the Savior ate fish, whole-grain breads, fruit, seeds, lentils, and drank wine. As for meat, likely as not, He ate His portion of the Passover lamb. However, in those days and in that region, meat, other than fish, was probably eaten only once every other week or so.

Therefore, let your exercise and diet work in concert to shape and tone your whole body. Your thighs will slim down and tighten up, losing most of the cellulite that plagues those who don’t eat or exercise properly.
