Dietary Supplement Hydroxycut Recalled

Do you or someone you know take Hydroxycut? Do you know about the recall of it due to affects on the liver? Hydroxycut has been voluntarily recalled by manufacturer, Iovate Health Sciences, as of May 1, 2009 after reports of very serious liver damage ranging from jaundice to death were reported to the FDA. Other affects on the liver have been high levels of liver enzymes (which indicates potential liver damage), and damage so serious that a liver transplant is necessary.

This includes all types and strengths of the Hydroxycut diet aid products from the Hydroxycut Regular Rapid Release Capsules to Hydroxycut Natural. This does not include the Hydroxycut Cleanse and Hoodia products.

The death that occurred actually happened in 2007 but was not reported until this year (2009).

Other serious side affects have also been reported. They ranged from cardiovascular problems, seizures, and kidney failure caused by extreme muscle damage (rhabdomyolysis).

The FDA is saying that this diet aid has a variety of herbal extracts and other ingredients. The Huffington Post reported that even though health officials cannot determine which ingredients are causing the liver damage due to several formula changes, one studier of Hydroxycut (Ano Lobb) said it may be the ingredient hydroxycitric acid. This ingredient has been linked to liver problems in another medical journal study.

According to The Huffington Post the FDA said that at least nine million packages were sold. The manufacturer (Iovate Health Sciences) is based in Canada, but the headquarters for the United States is located near Buffalo New York.

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Most people do not realized the dietary supplements are not strictly regulated by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), and manufacturers do not have to prove to them their product is safe or effective before being sold. In other words, there is no one testing or inspecting these drugs before they go to the market and sold. The manufacturer may do some tests themselves, but they do not have to report anything to the FDA.

As of today, the only FDA approved over-the-counter dietary supplement is the product Alli. But all of the reviews I have heard (other than commercials) from people I know who have taken this supplement say that it is not a product that is very effective.

Alright, now here is the catch to the entire story, the reported cases of liver damage seemed to mostly come from persons who were abusing the supplement. What some people fail to realize is that the directions for taking the medication is on the box or bottle for a reason. Taking any drug against the directions can cause complications and side affects. However, Hydroxycut has still been recalled even though only 26 cases have been reported out of the nine million products sold.

Thus, people are leaning both ways on their opinions on this recall. This person says that if you want to lose weight, move your butt and eat right and drink lots of water (my opinion only). However, if you do need help from a supplement talk to your doctor first and be smart enough not to abuse it if you get one.

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Source: May 2, 2009 May 2, 2009