Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate: Can it Please Chocolate Lovers?

Call me a sucker but when I saw the commercial for Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate, I just had to try it out. I love cherry soda and I love chocolate, so the idea of having the combination of both was simply wonderful. Would Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate live up to my expectations? Can this soda please chocolate lovers or will it be nothing more than a disappointment? Here, I’ll tell you what I think.

Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate Soda Has a Unique Flavor

One of the things that cannot be denied about Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate soda is that it has a very unique taste. I cannot even begin to think of what the unique flavor can be compared to. It is really out of this world – literally, nothing else tastes remotely similar. The unique flavor of Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate may be enough of a reason to try this soda. However, I am not sure if the uniqueness that Dr. Pepper’s Cherry Chocolate delivers is necessarily a good thing.

The Chocolate Flavor Seems to Overpower the Cherry Flavor

The first thing that I noticed about Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate is that the chocolate flavor really seems to overpower the cherry flavor. Although this may sound like a good quality, it was simply not what I was expecting. I expected the soda to taste mainly like cherry, with a hint of chocolate… but the first time that I tasted it, I quickly learned that it was the opposite.

Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate Only Tastes Good Cold

There’s no doubt that any type of soda tastes best when it’s cold. However, many sodas can easily be enjoyed even when they are warm. I tried Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate twice, once when it was warm and after it had been refrigerated. My advice to you is don’t bother tasting Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate before it’s cold. It’s pretty disgusting.

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You Probably Won’t Enjoy it Unless You Prefer Diet Soda

Aside from the overwhelming debate of whether or not diet soda is bad for you, there are many people who simply don’t care for diet soda. I’m not sure if I prefer diet or regular, but I do know that Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate does taste like diet soda. If you like diet soda, this is a good thing. If you don’t care for diet soda, then there’s a good chance that you won’t care for Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate either.

Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate Tastes a Little Strange

After tasting Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate twice, the final conclusion that I came to is that it tastes a little bit strange. At first I thought it was too sweet for my liking, but then I realized that it’s not as sweet as regular Dr. Pepper, which is one soda that I do like quite a bit. Then, I thought that maybe Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate was a little bit too bitter for me, but that wasn’t it either. I can’t put my finger on what about this soda tastes a little bit strange, but for some reason, the blend of flavors just don’t seem to mesh together right. The chocolate flavor, especially, doesn’t seem to taste quite right.

Would I drink Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate again? If I absolutely had to. Would I choose to drink this soda again? No. Overall, I can say that I’m not a fan of Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate soda. The chocolate, which is the flavor that tastes the strangest to begin with, seems to overpower to the cherry to the point where I was unable to enjoy it. However, this doesn’t mean that you might not like this soda. I have talked to quite a few people who liked it. Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate may be for others, but it’s certainly not for me.