Diary of a Wimpy Kid Grams

Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a popular book series by Jeff Kinley and two of the books have even been made into movies. The series is especially popular with the elementary school crowd. I am a Booster Club President (similar to a PTO, PTA) and as a way to make money for our school’s library, we sold Diary of a Wimpy Kid grams to students. It was also a wonderful way to promote reading. The school made money and the kids got a bookmark from something that they really loved.

This article will tell you how to put together your own Diary of a Wimpy Kid grams to sell at your school.

What you’ll need:

Paper or cardstock, colored or white

Bookmarks (I highly recommend the Diary if a Wimpy Kid bookmarks at the ALA Library store, located here . They cost $8.50 for 100 bookmarks)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid pictures (you can search for some online, don’t stick to just the book covers, kids like to see the characters. We found an amusing one about having the cheese touch that kids really seemed to adore)

Putting it together:

Making it is amazing easy. You need to do a layout in Microsoft Word (or similar programs). Two grams will fit per page. Be sure to have a To, From, Room Number and Message area. Kids love writing messages to their friends so the message area should be at least 3 to 4 lines long. Once you’re done building your gram, carefully make a hole on two areas to the back of the gram so you can slide the bookmark in that area. You can also tape it but do it carefully so you don’t ruin the bookmark before the kids get it.

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Selling times:

Selling times really depends on your school. You’ll want to dedicate at least a few days so that your school can bring in some money. We sell our grams for $1 each and sell them during lunchtime. We do this for at least 4 to 5 days but you can do it longer if needed. How much you earn depends on how many students are at your school.

Some great times to sell Diary of a Wimpy Kid grams is when a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book or movie is going to be released or during a time where reading is celebrated at your school.


We delivered our grams before school got out a couple of days after we were finished selling the grams. This allowed us to put together all the grams and group them by class. We gave the grams directly to the teacher so that they could give them out to the students. Some teachers may prefer that you hand out the grams yourself if they are busy with a project. The kids loved getting something that a friend had sent to them or that they had even sent to themselves.