Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez Q & A

Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez recently uploaded a new episode of their Demi & Selena show onto Youtube in which they answered questions from fans.

Demi Lovato isn’t exactly a household name yet, but she will be pretty soon. She is the star of the upcoming Jonas Brothers movie, Camp Rock and will be touring with the Jonas Brothers on their The Burning Up Tour as well.

Selena Gomez is best-known for her role as Alex Russo on the Disney Channels Wizards of Waverly Place in which her and her two brothers are wizards. Both Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez met when they worked on the show Barney & Friends.

So here’s a sampling of some of the best questions asked during this special Q & A segment of the Demi & Selena Show. To view the full Q & Session, click here.

Do you hang out with Jake T. Austin?

Demi Lovato: Yes, he taught me how to surf.
Selena Gomez: He’s like my little brother. He’s amazing.

What’s your favorite color and why?

Demi Lovato: I like black and red. Because red is not too girly and not too masculine.
Selena Gomez: My favorite color is green and I don’t know why.

Do you have a purity ring and what does it say?

Selena Gomez: Yes, I do. It says “True Love Waits”.
Demi Lovato: Yes, and I have a necklace that says “True Love Waits”.

Where would you want to live and why?

Demi Lovato: Fiji, Italy, Paris, Hawaii, just you know, all of them one day. And I’ll just have like 27 mansions.
Selena Gomez: I want to live in Texas or New York.

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Will you ever do a duet together?

Demi Lovato: I want to!
Selena Gomez: That we will most definitely do. We’ll write a song together and we actually want to do a video singing.
Demi Lovato: So send in your requests!

Who are your role models?

Demi Lovato: Kelly Clarkson
Selena Gomez: Rachel McAdams

What do you think it takes to be a great actor or singer?

Selena Gomez: I always say you have to make sure you’re passionate about it and that you’re family is behind you 100%.
Demi Lovato: Passion and drive.

Demi, will you ever guest-star on Wizards of Waverly Place?

Selena Gomez: We want that!
Demi Lovato: So hey Disney, if you’re watching, put me in her show.

Who is your favorite band?

Selena Gomez: Paramore, all the way!
Demi Lovato:Yup, Paramore.

Do you have a MySpace?

Selena Gomez:
Demi Lovato:

Demi, is there a kiss in Camp Rock?

Demi Lovato: You’ll have to wait and find out.

Selena, are you working on Season 2 of Wizards of Waverly Place?

Selena Gomez: Not yet, we have a writer’s strike going on right now. But we are definitely coming back for Season 2.

Demi, do you like shopping?

Demi Lovato: I love shopping cause I’m a female!

Selena, when is your music video coming out?

Selena Gomez: I know it’s coming out in February.

Demi, are you coming out with an album?

Demi Lovato: I want to, but I don’t know when. So I’m writing until then.

What is your favorite song?

Selena Gomez: Fearless by Taylor Swift
Demi Lovato: Sugar Skulls and Almost Four by Wolftron

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What is your favorite fruit?

Selena Gomez: Mango
Demi Lovato: Oranges

Who is your celebrity crush?

Selena Gomez: Shia LeBeouf is my celebrity crush. He’s cute!
Demi Lovato: I like William Beckett from The Academy is…

Remember, if you want to view the full Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato Q&A; video, check it out on Youtube!
