Dec. 21, 2012, the Galactic Alignment, the Dark Rift and the Kuxan Suum

Th TThe beauty of December 21, 2012 in Mayan Cosmology is the rare conjunction of the winter solstice Sun with the Dark Rift of the Milky Way. The Sun, normally the brightest object in the sky, lines up on that date with the Dark Rift known in Mayan Cosmology as the umbilical cord of the Universe. The winter solstice is the weakest moment for the Sun, the day on which it makes its shorter appearance in the Northern Hemisphere. On that day, in 2012, because of the procession of the equinoxes, the Sun will begin its journey across the Dark Rift. According to the Mayans, this rift is the connection to the Galactic core and hence to the heart of the Universe.

Modern astronomy teaches us that indeed the very center of our Galaxy, a black hole within the Sagittarius A star system, lies behind a corner of the Dark Rift, which in actuality is nothing more than a huge mass of gaseous dust that stands between our solar system and the center of the Milky Way.

According to the Mayans, the world tree, or umbilical cord connecting every soul on Earth to the Galactic Center, travels from the heart of every individual to the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun to the Galactic Center, and from there to the heart of the Universe known as Hunab Ku. Amazingly this ascending pathway traces gravitation relationships. The Earth’s core is the center of gravity on the planet. The Sun is the center of gravity in the Solar system. The Intergalactic Core, within Sagittarius A, is the center of gravity of our Galaxy. Beyond this dark hole is a place in the Universe known as the Great Attractor, recognized only by a distortion in the general expansion of the Universe. The Great Attractor is believed to be a center of gravity that dwarfs the dark hole within Sagittarius A.

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Mayan cosmology teaches us to have great respect for gravity. And why shouldn’t we? Gravitational attraction is what creates mass and shapes the gross form that matter takes. Matter is truly at the heart of everything. Even the expression “what matters,” derives etymologically from the Latin word for mass in the gravitational sense. Without mass and gravity, nothing would matter. All life would be diffuse, ephemeral, without a center.

Likewise, the heart is the center of the human form. Courts, where “matters” are heard are at the center of our cultural and population centers. Considering how great the heart organ is and how important the court systems are, just think how much greater and more important the center that attracts everything in the Universe must be! Without the continual tug of war between forces of gravity and the dark energy that tries to pull the Universe apart, there would be no life at all anywhere in the Universe.

In Mayan cosmology, the bidirectional emanations connecting all souls to the heart of the Universe, known as Hunab Ku, is called the Kuxan Suum, literally “the Road to the Sky, “which leads to the Umbilical Cord of the Universe.” The Hunab Ku, together with the Kuxan Suum form a universal galactic-solar memory circuit, which dwarfs the vast computer systems on Earth such as the US social security computer system, which are but faint shadows of shadows of the real thing.

What is the real nature of the Kuxan Suum. One author described it as “streams, and travelling ways or portals, of “life-force consciousness” emanating from Hunab Ku, the centre of the cosmos. Do these streams of life consciousness, which follow the hierarchy of gravity, move at the speed of the graviton? Is gravity the force responsible for connecting all souls to the heart of the Universe? Whether the Kuxan Suum is related to gravity or something else, the cosmological story suggests that all souls have a connection to the center of the Universe.

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While Mayan Cosmology may seem arcane to many, a modern writer Great Sun, author of the Viking book “Super Life Secret Codes,” described the same cosmological phenomena in modern language. Amazingly, the author assured me he has never studied Mayan teachings. In his book he wrote,” It is easy to see the relationship between humans and the Universe; it is just like a series of signal and message transfers.”

As the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung loved to point out, when we find the same teachings appearing in two totally unrelated sources, it tells us that the ideas are emanating from a Universal source of knowledge, which Jung called the universal unconscious. Call it Kuxan Suum or call it a series of signal and message transfers, each one of us apparently has some type of living relationship with the heart of the Universe. And that is the beauty of the December 21, 2012 celestial conjunction. On that day, the ordering in the Heavens reminds us, dwellers on Earth below, of our connection with the heart of the Universe.
