2012 Mayan Calendar Prophecy: Does Galactic Alignment Mean End of the World?

The Galactic Alignment: Will the end of the world come on December 12, 2012? Some people fear this date because “the Mayan calendar ends” on this date. Ever wonder why the Mayan calendar ends in 2012? And how does the galactic alignment tie into 2012? To get to the bottom of this 2012 phenomenon and learn about the galactic alignment, I presented key questions to John Major Jenkins, who’s been investigating the 2012 topic for almost 20 years, and author of the 1998 book, “Maya Cosmogenesis 2012.”

So my first question was: Why does the Mayan calendar end on December 21, 2012?

JJ: Unfortunately, it is a modern misnomer that “the calendar ends” or “stops” in 2012, an assertion that arose as a dramatic bumper sticker sound byte among under-informed marketers and spin doctors. The Maya believe in the cyclic nature of time. Their Long Count calendar will reach the end of the 13th Baktun on December 21, 2012, and then toggle back to Zero for the counting of the next cycle of 13 Baktuns. is followed by Misunderstanding the basics of 2012 calendar philosophy is one of the biggest problems in the 2012 discussion today.

Did the Mayans make an actual prediction, however?

Yes, the Maya encoded a “prediction” for 2012 and also a “prophecy” for 2012 into their calendar and creation mythology. There are many inventive modern predictions and fanciful interpretations of Maya prophecy, but they are off the mark because they neglect to access the actual Maya information that is preserved in the World Age doctrine found in the Maya’s creation mythology.

What did the Mayans predict?

The prediction is really more in the way of a calculation of a rare astronomical alignment. This addresses “what will happen” in a most tangible and unambiguous way. My 20-year-long pioneering reconstruction work shows that the Maya were anticipating the galactic alignment to happen, and a galactic alignment is indeed happening in the 36-year window that stretches from 1980 to 2016.

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The galactic alignment is: the alignment of the December solstice sun with the dark-rift (part of the galaxy that contains interstellar dust) in the Milky Way, within the “nuclear bulge” of the galactic center (The galactic center, or centerline of the galaxy, divides the Milky Way into two hemispheres.). See site – more at Alignment2012.com and in my books. That’s the astronomical basis of their mystical “prophecy,” which is found, as one might expect, in their creation mythology.

Seven Macaw (self-serving egoism) will be ruling and ruling the planet. And Seven Macaw can be transformed into, or placed back into right relationship with, One Hunahpu (the True Nature, or original unity consciousness). How? By sacrificing the illusions which bind us to egoism and self-serving greed.

So the Mayan calendar doesn’t “stop.”

Again, the calendar doesn’t stop. 2012 represents the end of a 26,000-year cycle, targeted by the galactic alignment. Here’s where we get into a deeper understanding of the topic. In my 3-CD audio program, Unlocking the Secrets of 2012, I suggested that cycles in time can be thought of like the breath cycle – in and out, rather than around and around in endless circles. 2012 is then like the still-point of maximum out-breath, an end to the “breathing out” phase of the cycle, but also a turnabout. The investigation then becomes a deepening meditation on the relationship between time and eternity, insights regarding which are best perceived directly by each individual as they practice breathing meditation (Vipassana).

Does the galactic alignment have any significance other than being a fascinating event?

The answer is, probably, on several fronts, including actual empirical effects as well as the kind of transformation that can occur in our own paradigm when we embrace a larger galactic framework in which we see ourselves embedded — that is, in adopted a more sophisticated paradigm that was, ironically, developed by a culture we continue to perceive as being barbaric. (See my 2002 book, “Galactic Alignment,” for both scenarios).

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Have astronomers predicted that this alignment will cause some kind of earth change?

No, and astronomers would not be the ones to do so. However, this is at the forefront of a new way of understanding our relationship to large cycles, and the door is open for conscious-thinking people to do progressive work around the galactic alignment.

There is talk about the galactic alignment causing “pole shifting,” i.e., the earth suddenly tilting something like 23.5 degrees, which could cause all sorts of turbulence, and what about the alleged black hole in the center of the Milky Way?

Our changing orientation to the galaxy, and galactic alignments, may alter the magnetic poles in the molten inner core of the earth; this is not the same as the physical poles “flipping.” In “2002 Galactic Alignment,” I summarized and adapted the cosmecology theory of Oliver Reiser to put forward a model of consciousness and galactic alignments.

We are 26,000 light years away from the black hole. Notice this is the precessional period. For this reason I suggested in 1995 that there may be some kind of entrainment between us and the galactic center. Aligning to it, via the solstice axis in era-2012, thus could provide an unrecognized scientific mechanism that triggers change on earth.

If the galactic alignment was responsible for physical pole tilting, or even just magnetic poles flipping – as we know has happened in the distant past — then such flips should occur every 13,000 or 26,000 years. It hasn’t. Reverse magnetized rocks, first hypothesized by Oliver Reiser in the 1930s, indicate that the magnetic pole shifts occurred a very long time ago. However, there may be more complex variables at work – this is a brand new science. Astrophysicists should start looking at it.

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The alignment has been in progress since 1980. Why isn’t this in the media?

Because this is a revolutionary new perspective and the media focused on the superficial glitz. That the importance of the galactic alignment is not covered in astronomy magazines and so on is testimony to the inability of media to integrate profound new ideas. But let’s be clear, the galactic alignment is an empirical fact of astronomy.

What about the galactic alignment has you most enthralled?

It belongs to a hitherto lost cosmology and theology that placed the Galactic Center in a position of central reverence – that’s pretty amazing to think about, yes? And the Maya’s galactic paradigm that points to 2012 may be a more sophisticated way of understanding our place in the universe than anything offered by Western religion and science.

We can find traces of this galactic awareness in esoteric traditions of Europe and in the cosmologies of Egypt and India, so it seems to be something very relevant and interesting, yet has been winnowed of Western religion and science. It’s like the real story was edited out of Western history. Why would that be? All interesting things to contemplate.