Debrox Earwax Removal Kit Product Review

The season is starting out rough for my guy. First, he got a summer cold. Then, his ears became so plugged that he could barely hear. I followed my own advice- read”Tips for Getting Over a Cold”- to help get him back on his feet. After the cold virus left, hearing was pretty much restored in his left ear. But he was virtually deaf in his right ear. So, he made an appointment with his doctor. After he checked Guy’s ears, the doctor reported that his right ear contained a lot of wax. Read this Debrox Earwax Removal Kit product review and find out everything you need to know about it!

Price and Availability
I purchased a Debrox Earwax Removal Kit at Wal-Mart for around eight dollars. I know it’s also available at Walgreens.

Product Description
I’ve bought bottles of ear drops before, but Debrox has put together a kit that includes a small, rubber syringe along with the 0.5 fluid-ounce bottle of drops. According to the box, Debrox is the “#1 Doctor & Pharmacist Recommended Brand.” That may be true since Guy’s doctor specifically told him to buy this brand of earwax removal drops.

This product, according to the package, cleans ears gently using “sustained micro-foam.” It’s “safe” and “non-irritating.”

The Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit is designed to soften up ear wax so it can then be rinsed out using the syringe and warm tap water.

Product Ingredients
The ingredients in these ear drops are: Active ingredient- Carbamide peroxide 6.5% non USP. The inactive ingredients are: citric acid, flavor, glycerin, propylene glycol, sodium lauroyl sarcosinate, sodium stannate and water.

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Who Can Use the Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit?
This product is recommended for adults, and for children who are at least 12 years of age. If your child is under this age, you should consult your doctor or healthcare professional.

Directions for Using This Product
To use the Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit, you can do it yourself, but it’s much easier to have someone assist you. First, you need to tilt your head to one side. Then, hold the tip of the bottle up to the opening in your ear, but do not place it inside. Gently squeeze the bottle and place 5 to 10 drops into your ear. Hold your position- or put cotton in your ears- and wait several minutes.

If you’re treating both ears, tilt your head to the other side and repeat these steps. According to the Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit box, you can remove any earwax that may be remaining in your ears by using the rubber syringe and warm tap water.

You can put the Debrox drops in your ears twice a day up to 4 days if you need to.

Use Results and Conclusion
Guy used the Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit and placed drops in both of his ears once a day for 2 days. Since his right ear was really clogged with wax, I felt that ear should have gotten two doses a day, as the instructions said, but he disagreed.

On the third day, Guy’s left ear was much better so he discontinued using the Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit. But, he had to continue using the drops, as well as the rubber syringe, in his right ear a couple more days until he could hear again.

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Overall, the Debrox Ear Wax Removal Kit is easy to use. More importantly, it seems to be safe, and it is effective. I highly recommend this product to anyone who is experiencing an ear wax problem.