Dayton Laser Spine: A Great Place

You know that if you have a back issue that you are going to be dealing with extreme pain and sometimes numbness or tingling in your feet. I know that is the experience that one of my family members is dealing with. However, after my family member consulted with several leading doctors in the area in spine surgery specialty they all said he would need a spinal fusion. Now after much research my family member found a solution that is a lot less invasive. That place is none other than Dayton Laser Spine Institute in Dayton Ohio.

Now some people might have never heard of the Dayton Laser Spine Institute, I know that I had never heard of it when my family member told me about it. However, I also knew that my family member would want to try out all the available options before going thru the pain and suffering of trying to have a spinal fusion and recover from that.

When he called the Dayton Laser Spine Institute for information he received one of the best phone calls that he had ever had while talking to a doctor’s office. I know that he was on the phone for close to a half hour getting information and speaking with them at length about the back problem that he has, and they all took the time answering his questions to assure him that he was making the right choice with his back.

If you are wary about if the Dayton Laser Spinal Institute will be able to help you I know that every patient has to go to the informational session. Now the informational session will allow you to get even more information on exactly what is going to happen. The presentation that you get to go to is given by the doctor himself and he goes thru how the surgery works step by step. Then if you have any other questions the doctor has a great question and answer session after the presentation!

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Then if you have an appointment right after the presentation you can go down to the office for your appointment. I know that the appointment waiting room time was not long at all. I mean I think the total time in the waiting room for us was close to ten minutes for an appointment right after the presentation.

During the appointment you will be able to meet with the PA and after the PA does the initial evaluation the doctor will come in and answer any of your questions that you might have that the PA couldn’t answer. I know that the entire staff is super friendly and will be able to help you during the whole process of your initial phone call until your final step in the process. If you have back problems and think that your situation is hopeless then you to might be stunned to learn that you can find relief for your back problems by just making a phone call at first.