Dawn’s ‘Power Clean’ Liquid Dish Washing Detergent

I am one of those women who have never had the good fortune of having a dishwasher that can imitate the power of my own two hands, a scouring sponge, and some hot, soapy water. I have used a variety of liquid soaps, baking soda, and other methods like the overnight soak, but have never considered washing dishes as an “easy” chore.

On a recent trip to the grocery store I noticed Dawn’s new brand of liquid soap, Power Clean. P&G; sent me a coupon for .50 cents off any bottle of Dawn and I was ready to try something new. Dawn carries a vast variety of liquid soaps to chose from, and I have always been pleased with the brand, but I usually buy the standard original Dawn soap. I noticed that their line now offered a brand that claimed to have the power of an overnight soak in five minutes. Ha! Yeah right, I thought. I snatched up the bottle and brought it home.

I prepared an extra sticky meal that evening, cheesy chicken noodle casserole, in a thick plastic bowl, and for the added effect of impossibility, I microwaved the dish. After I served my family I saved the bowl and ladle that I used, which by the next morning had noodles and cheese dried on, and set it aside, as well as the forks from dinner. I was going to give this Dawn a challenge. For breakfast I made peanut butter toast and saved the spoon with peanut butter still left on.

This evening I was dreading this experiment, because seriously, I had created myself a mess. I was hoping that this new soap would live up to it’s claim, because otherwise, I would be scrubbing the gross gunk off of these dishes using good old fashioned elbow grease.

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I filled the sink with cold water, not hot water; so I could truly test the power of the soap. I added my disgusting dishes and a few drops of the Dawn Power Clean to the sink, and waited five minutes, not six minutes, not four minutes, but five minutes, and immediately drained the sink. I grabbed a soft sponge and picked up the cheesy noodle bowl first, and to my amazement the noodles had already pulled apart from the bowl. I very lightly swiped the inside of the bowl, and my sponge was covered in cheese! I didn’t even have to apply a great deal of pressure and the bowl was completely cleaned and rinsed out in around 30 seconds! I was astonished and relieved at the same time. I was kind of excited now to try out the utensils.
The peanut butter spoon was the first up, and three swipes later I had myself a clean spoon. The peanut butter didn’t break down, but it loosened itself from the spoon and fell right off, and that is good enough for me. The forks from dinner were the same. No scrubbing and no effort was needed. I was wiping them off and they were done. The ladle was gross. I wiped it off and almost all of the food came off, but there was a noodle that had dried in a clump and I did have to scrape it off with the back of my thumb nail, but there was still no effort.

I love this new brand of Dawn, Power Clean, and I just may start using it as an everyday dish detergent. I haven’t been this surprised about the effectiveness of a cleaning product since I tried Tide for the first time. If you are debating whether or not to try this product, just do it! You don’t have to experiment like I did, but it may be more fun if you do. Next time you’re deciding between the brand that softens your hands or that brand that will cut your cleaning time in half, I say choose the cleaning power of Dawn’s Power Clean and use the time you save to put on hand lotion instead.