Cure Digestive System Disorders Through Pranayama Technique

Digestive system disorders are one of the main diseases that affect most of the people recently due to the unhealthy food habits and overeating. The high consumption of spicy fast food items also lead to such problems related to digestive system. It is sometimes extremely difficult to cure such disorders without taking harmful allopathic medicines having various ill side effects. However, there is a very effective yogic cure available for such digestive disorders. I have practiced such yogic cures successfully in my long career of twelve years as a yoga instructor and would like to share it with all my AC friends and readers in this article.

Yogic cure for digestive system disorders mainly consists of pranayama practice that comprises of Rechaka (exhalation) and Puraka (inhalation) in a particular fashion. This breathing technique is diaphragmatic breathing, in which the stomach is pulled forward and backward in a rhythmic way. It is very vital to note that the stomach is not pushed upward or downward during this practice. First aspect is the suitable posture for this pranayama technique. Sit down on the floor either in lotus pose or easy pose. Hold the spine, neck, and head absolutely straight and erect, looking straight in the forward direction at the level of your eyes. Rest your hands on your knees with thumb and index finger of each hand to meet together to form a circle. Keep remaining three fingers opened straight and joined together. Continue breathing normally. Exhale slowly through your both the nostrils, simultaneously pulling your stomach inwards, thus contracting the abdominal muscles to expel air outside from your lungs. Keep exhaling till all the air is pushed outside. Having exhaled fully, hold your breath for a second and then, slowly start inhaling through both the nostrils. Inhale as deeply as you can by stretching out the abdominal muscles. The expansion of the stomach area should be very gradual and rhythmic, and not sudden and fast. After inhaling deeply, hold for a second and then, start exhaling again. Continue this rhythmic breathing for 10 to 15 times. One exhalation and one inhalation makes one full cycle. During first few days, try to perform this exercise for around ten times daily and then, slowly increase it to around 15 times or so. It is always suggested to carry out this pranayama with completely empty stomach and bladder. The best time to perform this pranayama is either during the early morning or evening hours.

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There are many advantages of performing this pranayama. It activates all the digestive organs like stomach, intestines, liver, and the pancreas of the human body, thus improving the entire digestion process. The problems like constipation, dysentery, stomach ache, and gastric problems are effectively cured by this simple breathing technique. The entire blood circulation and the respiratory system improve through this pranayama practice. The key factor is in practicing this pranayama regularly every day without any break for even a single day. The benefits shall start showing within around two to three weeks of starting this practice.

I have myself cured the digestive system problems of many persons through this pranayama practice within a maximum period of three months or so. If any of my AC friends and readers is suffering from such digestive system related problems, this rhythmic deep breathing is very effective cure. If any of my readers have any questions on this, they all are free to contact me.