Crystal Light Fruit Punch Versus Kool-Aid Fruit Punch

Everyone knows that Crystal Light is a healthy way to ensure that you drink enough water throughout the day. With only five calories per serving, one can drink to his/her heart’s content without worrying about the consequences to one’s waistline. This is significantly healthier that drinking juice or sodas that are loaded with sugar. Not convinced? Take a look at the label on that bottle of orange juice for the sugar content of just a single glass of orange juice. You will not like what you see. Yes, juice has vitamins and minerals, but those vitamins and minerals are offset by a hefty dose of natural sugars that will not help one’s waistline one bit.

Crystal Light primarily uses citric acid and aspartame for flavoring and for sweetening, so a cup of Crystal Light has practically zero negative health consequence. There is also no redeeming nutritional value, so Crystal Light should only be paired with a balanced diet; but it is a tasty way to ensure that you are getting the recommended eight glasses of water per day.

While I have tried and enjoyed most of the Crystal Light flavors, including the lemonade and the lemon iced tea, Crystal Light recently introduced a “Fruit Punch” flavor that is simply delicious. Growing up I was a Kool-Aid kid, so I have been conditioned to think that fruit punch is one of the yummiest flavors around. The problem is that Kool-Aid fruit punch is full of added sugar, meaning that a glass full of Kool-Aid is like drinking a glass of straight sugar water. The Crystal Light has a fruit punch flavor that is every bit as tasty and fruity as its Kool-Aid counterpart, and it has absolutely zero sugar.

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The Crystal Light is amazingly easy to measure out and to mix into a fruit punch. The Crystal Light powder comes pre-measured in individually packaged miniature tubs that can be emptied into 2 quarts of water and then refrigerated or served over ice. I have found that the powder dissolves into the water more quickly if you use warm water at first and then chill the fruit punch in the refrigerator before serving. The warmth of the water seems to make the Crystal Light powder dissolve more quickly than when using water that is already chilled. The flavor remains unaffected by the use of warm water instead of cool water.

For some reason, the Crystal Light Fruit Punch is only available in four-tub packages, while the other flavors of Crystal Light are sold in larger quantities. I am unsure of the reason for this, but given how often we drink the Crystal Light Fruit Punch at my house, I wish that the Fruit Punch was available in larger quantities that would be cheaper per batch.

In conclusion, in the comparison between Crystal Light and Kool-Aid, Crystal Light is the clear winner. It has all the fruit punch flavor as Kool-Aid but without all the unhealthy sugars. The mix is easy to prepare and should please both kids and adults alike. There is rarely a time when our refrigerator at home does not have a batch of Crystal Light Fruit Punch ready to drink.