Crohn’s Symptoms: Blood in Stool

Crohn’s Symptoms: Blood In Stool
Blood In Stool As A Health Problem Indicator

If you are reading this then you or someone you know has symptoms of a health problem such as blood in stool. Take a deep breath, blood in stool symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you or someone you know is going to die very soon. Blood in stool is simply an indicator that with a proper medical diagnose can be sorted out and managed.

Crohn’s Symptoms: Blood In Stool
What Blood In Stool Can Mean

Blood in stool can be caused by certain diseases and conditions but it can sometimes be an indicator of Crohn’s Disease. Blood in stool doesn’t necessarily mean an individual has Crohn’s. Blood in stool can also be an indicator of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis and other conditions. However, in the case of symptoms such as blood in stool then it is a health indicator that must not be taken lightly. A doctor can run tests when there is a case of blood in stool by usually performing a colonoscopy.

Crohn’s Symptoms: Blood In Stool
The Cause of Blood In Stool

According to MayoClinic, “Blood in stool is caused by food moving through the digestive tract which can cause inflamed tissue to bleed, or someone’s bowel may also bleed on its own. A person might notice bright red blood in the toilet bowl or darker blood mixed with stool. An individual can also have bleeding you don’t see (occult blood). In severe disease, bleeding is often serious and ongoing.” Certain foods are not digested easily through the digestive tract and can also cause inflammation and bleeding; thus, blood in stool. Blood in stool doesn’t necessarily mean that an individual who is diagnosed with Crohn’s will have to deal with the symptom forever. Crohn’s is a disease that can be managed with steroids and other medications.

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Crohn’s Symptoms: Blood In Stool
What to Expect after Blood in Stool Symptoms Are Brought to a Doctor’s Attention

A doctor upon hearing of blood in stool symptoms will more then likely refer an individual to a Gastroenterologist who is a specialist with the human digestive tract. It is important that if you or someone is exhibiting Crohn’s symptoms to find a doctor that one feels confortable with such as a Gastroenterologist. Crohn’s is a lifetime disease that a patient needs a sympathetic and understanding doctor to help them through flare ups such as blood in stool symptoms.