Crocheted Snood Instructions, Also Known as a Scoodie

Cold weather and coats without hoods are two things that do not go together well if you want to keep your ears and head warm. Two common articles of clothing, a scarf and a hat/cap are used to cover the head. But, there is a third alternative……

Crochet a snood, also known as a scoodie. A snood is a combination scarf and hood. The snood is put on over the head and rests around the neck like a cowl neck. A snood made from a finger weight yarn creates a cowl that can be worn as an accessory to your clothing throughout the day. The width of the cowl allows you to pull the back up and over your head like a hood when you go outside. The front of the snood stays under the chin providing the warmth of a scarf.

Crochet a snood from approximately 900 yards of finger weight yarn. Finger weight yarn is just slightly thicker than the crochet thread used to make doilies. A size F/3.75mm crochet hook is used to make the snood. Allow a minimum of 18 hours to complete the project.

Materials Required:

920 yards/153g/5.4 ounces of Rustica Omega finger weight yarn
Size F/3.75mm crochet hook

Crochet Instructions:

Row 1: Chain 139 stitches. Slipstitch the chain together making sure there are no turns in the chain.

Row 2: Chain 1 stitch. Single crochet in the same stitch and in each stitch around. Slipstitch the last stitch to the first stitch in the row.

Row 3-8: Chain 1 stitch. Single crochet in the back loop of the same stitch as the slipstitch. Single crochet in the front loop of the next stitch and the back loop of the following – repeat this pattern around. Slipstitch the last stitch to the first stitch in the row.

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Row 9: Chain 3. Double crochet in the same stitch as the slipstitch and in each stitch around.

Row 10 and 11: Chain 3 stitches. Double crochet around the back post of the chain 3 from the previous row and the first double crochet stitch. Double crochet around the back post of the next two double crochet stitches. Double crochet around the front post of the next three double crochet stitches. Double crochet around the back post of the next three double crochet stitches. Alternate crocheting around three front posts and three back posts for the remainder of the row. Slipstitch the last stitch to the first stitch in the row.

Row 12 and 13: Chain 3 stitches. Double crochet around the front post of the chain 3 from the previous row and the first double crochet stitch. Double crochet around the front post of the next two double crochet stitches. Double crochet around the back post of the next three double crochet stitches. Double crochet around the front post of the next three double crochet stitches. Alternate crocheting around three back posts and three front posts for the remainder of the row. Slip stitch the last stitch to the first stitch in the row.

Rows 14-38: Repeat the pattern created in Rows 10 through 13. This will consist of a total of 13 sets of patterns.

Row 39: Chain 1 stitch. Single crochet in the same stitch as the slipstitch and in each stitch around. Slipstitch the last stitch to the first stitch of the row.

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Rows 40-44: Chain 1 stitch. Single crochet in the back loop of the same stitch as the slipstitch. Single crochet in the front loop of the next stitch and the back loop of the following – repeat this pattern around. Slipstitch the last stitch to the first stitch in the row.

Row 45: Chain 1 stitch. Single crochet in the same stitch as the slipstitch and in each stitch around. Slipstitch the last stitch to the first stitch in the row. Finish off.

Tips: Increase the length of the snood, also known as a scoodie, by adding additional sets of pattern consisting of Rows 10 through 13. The length of the snood should be a minimum of 14 inches. Additional length will add extra material to slide under the collar of a coat.
