Crocheted Hats: A Beginner’s Guide

This article will show you how to make hats for your entire family for those cold winter days to come.

All you need is to know how to make a simple single crochet. And you’ve got it made!

Begin by choosing your yarn .there are so many varieties to choose from these days. The ones that feel like feathers or fur or the different textures are great but if you really are a beginner and have just learned a single crochet worsted weight is best. You can also use up some of those little balls of scrap yarn for your own one of a kind creation.

First decide what kind of hat you want to make by asking yourself these questions:

1. Who am I making this hat for?

2. Are they Male or female?

3. What are their favorite colors?

4. What size is needed to fit correctly?

To answer the size question you will need to take a quick measure of either the persons head or your own if this is a surprise gift. Measure from the center of the top of your head to just below your ear. Add 2 inches for gathering at the top and 3 for the part that turns up at the hats bottom.

Then With your yarn and the hook you are most comfortable with, (I use a G or H hook) a larger hook will make a looser looking pattern and a smaller hook will make smaller stitches.

Chain enough stitches plus 3 to make a piece as long as your first measurement.

Then start crocheting. Here you have a choice to make the hat smooth or ribbed. If you want a smooth textured hat just work in a simple single crochet if you want the hat ribbed on the second row start working the singles in the back loop of the previous row of stitches. Continue in this fashion until you have a piece about a foot in length.

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Note: you may change colors at any time in the pattern to give your hat the look you want.

When your crocheted piece is about a foot long start measuring it to fit around the head. For a baby’s hat I usually try for about 12 inches.

When you have a strip of crochet long enough to fit around your head comfortably without being too loose Remember crochet will stretch a little to snuggly fit your head.

Note: you can also figure out the correct size by comparing your folded piece of crochet to a hat you already own.

fold your piece in half so that the beginning chain stitches are touching the row you just finished. Then slip stitch or sew these ends together. Tie off your yarn here and leave a 12 to 15 inch piece of yarn .

At this point your hat will look like a tube.

Using the Piece of yarn you left attached to your hat, and a yarn needle weave the yarn in and out around the end of the tube. Pull the yarn to gather the top of the hat and stitch securely to close the opening. Tie off the yarn and weave in all loose ends.

Turn your hat right side out and fold up the brim and you are done!

You can make variations on this hat by changing a number of things.

Change the type of yarn,

Change the colors for a striped effect.

Or even use a half double or double crochet for a different look.

Stay warm this winter and enjoy making hats for all!