Ways to Market and Sell Your Candles

Candles are one of the most popular products home based entrepreneurs like to sell, especially since they’re a consumable item, and people love to buy them. But have you thought about the different reasons why people might buy candles? In this article, I’ll explore the different uses for candles and give you ideas on how to sell them and explode your money-making potential.

Sell Candles to Romantic Couples

Selling candles to romantic couples is a great way to narrow down your market. And you don’t have to just sell candles. You could sell them as part of a kit. What you include in the kit is up to you, but you could bundle the candles with the following: love coupons, poetry, romance tips, romantic music or DVD, message and bubble bath supplies, or anything else you can think of. (Valentine’s Day could potential be one of the busiest times of year for your business).

Sell Candles for Séances, Spells, & Rituals

There are some niches that others would consider off-the-wall that you could sell candles to as well. For example, people who take part in séances or Wicca spells might want a few candles from time to time. You’d have to know if there are specific kinds of candles that are used in these circumstances, like candles of a certain color or with a certain shape.

For Wicca spells, you can look at some spells to see what kinds of candles are used. For séance participants, you might want to add something else (like a digital voice recorder to pick up any possible electronic voice phenomena) and sell the candles as part of a package for a much higher price. This is the sort of wacky idea that others wouldn’t even think of that could end up making you more money than you would have otherwise.

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Sell Candles for Halloween (or Other Holidays)

Selling candles for a spooky Halloween atmosphere is another potentially profitable idea. People could use them for fake séances, wee gee board uses, or to set a scary party or horror movie night mood. You can also make or collect royalty-free spooky sounds and put them on a CD, find some rubber/plastic gags like fake eyeballs and spiders, and/or combine a book or a video about ghost stories or haunted places to sell as a package with the candles.

Sell Candles for Relaxation

Candles also help aid to provide a relaxing atmosphere. When someone wants to take a bubble bath and dim down the lights, your candles could be setting up a stress-free environment for their enjoyment. You could combine your candles into a package with: a soft music or soothing sounds CD, bubble bath and message supplies or other pampering supplies, a stress relief ball that you squeeze between your hands, or any other popular relaxation and stress relief items you can think of and make yourself or buy in bulk.

Oftentimes even the most simple, ordinary looking thing can have many uses and therefore potentially many markets who’d be interested in buying. Selling candles, whether you make them yourself or buy them, is an idea that practically everyone who wants to start a home business comes across. If you’re interested in dipping your toe into this lucrative business, all you have to do is use your imagination, research your niche potential and dive in.