Creating a Personal Website on Wix.Com

There are many ways to create a personal website. is probably one of the best and easiest places to create your own website for free. It does not require any technical or special skills. My eleven year old daughter created her own website and proudly showed me.

Here are ten easy steps to create your personal website on

1) Go to and sign up with your email address and password. Your information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone else. After signing up, create your own account; sign in again and press the button “create”. A variety of different lay outs will appear. They have very attractive layouts for small businesses or different art shops. You can also choose from a blank website to design your own layout. I recommend creating a blank website because it is easier to add and choose your own content.

2) Start designing and planning phase. A screen will pop out and you can start creating and adding things to your website. A variety of backgrounds will appear on the right hand corner; choose which one you want to use and click on it. By clicking your choice of background, the blue screen will be replaced by your new background.

3) Next step is to add a title. Find the word “text” on the left side of the screen and roll over it, click on the button that says “titles”. With your mouse, roll over the box on the right hand corner and a variety of titles will appear. Choose your desired title, and it will come on the page. Click on the box and press “edit” and type in your title.

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4) To add text, click “text” on the left side of the page and click “paragraphs”. You can choose from white text, black text, white text with title, or black text with title. To start typing all you have to do is click on the box and press “edit”.

5) To add animations, icons, or clip art to your page, find the box “clip art” on the left hand side of the page and click on any of the choices. Add them to your page. Animations are the pictures that move. You can also make the clip art and icons move too. Click on the icon or clip art and press either “behaviors” or “effects” and add different things to your page.

6) To add page frames click on “page parts” on the left hand side of the page and select “page frames. Page Frames have different designs and characters to choose from.

7) To add music or videos, on the left hand side of the page find “media” and click on it. If you want to add videos, click on “videos”. Then go the search box and search all your favorite videos on you tube and add them. To add music, click on “media” and upload your own music or select one that you like from the wix music.

8) To add a menu to keep track of all the pages, click on “page parts” on the left hand side and click “menus”. A list of different colored menus will appear and you can click on one of them and place it on your page. To add more pages to your document click on “add page” on the top right hand corner of the page. The page will automatically be added to your menu. To name your pages, click on the “menu” and click on “manage list” to change the name.

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9) To add buttons to your page, click on “page parts” and click “buttons”. Choose what kind of button that you want and place it on the page. To go to a page or link, click on “behaviors” and choose to go to a page or link.

10) To publish and choose a name for your website click “publish” on the top of the page and name your wix website. Please note, it will publish under a wix name. To have your domain name, there are extra charges.

If there is anything that I did not cover in these ten simple steps, press “help” on the left hand corner and find out more information on what you are looking for.

Enjoy creating your own personal website.