Cooking with Dr. Pepper

Since the 1880s, Americans have been enjoying Dr. Pepper as a favorite soda pop. Hot or cold, Dr. Pepper has become a popular alternative to cola. What you may not know, however, is that Dr. Pepper is a versatile incredient to keep stocked in your kitchen for meatballs, cookies, and more. Here are the top ten foods you might not have thought to add Dr. Pepper to yet.

1. Meatballs

I wouldn’t have thought to put Dr. Pepper in meatballs, but it is delightful with the ketchup and worcestershire sauce. This makes me want to try Dr. Pepper in meatloaf too.

Lyndsie’s Dr. PepperĀ® Meatballs

2. Cookies and Candy

The sweetness of Dr. Pepper seems perfect for cookies and candy. Peanut brittle, snow balls, and chocolate yum yums have all been adapted to include Dr. Pepper. I will definitely be making atleast one of these treats to give away with my Christmas cookies this year.

Dr. Pepper Snow Balls

Dr. Pepper Chocolate Yum Yums

Eat at the home, Alabama: Peanut Brittle

3. Barbeque Sauce

As a kid, I remember my friend’s dad boiling ribs in Dr. Pepper at their cabin. I still remember how tasty those ribs were, now I’m just wondered how good they would be with this Dr. Pepper barbecue sauce on them! I can’t wait to find out.

Dr. Pepper Barbecue Sauce

Dr. Pepper Museum: DPQ sauce

4. Chicken Wings

I’ve tried terriyaki, buffalo, cajun, barbeque, and now Dr. Pepper wings. Dr. Pepper wings are my new favorite.

Spicy Grilled Dr. Pepper Chicken Wings

Dr. Pepper Sauced Boneless Wings

See also  7 Leftover Roast Turkey Ideas

Dr. Pepper Museum: Wings

5. Baked Beans

Baked Beans are the perfect food to bring to a summer potluck or barbeque. People will wonder about the secret incredient of your delicious baked beans. You get to decide whether or not to tell them it’s Dr. Pepper.

Dr. Pepper Baked Beans

Dr. Pepper Baked Beans Too

6. Cake

With reviews like “wonderfully moist cake” and “probably the best cake I’ve ever tasted” on, I had to give this Dr. Pepper Cake a try. The ingredients made me a bit skeptical, but I was not disappointed. I’m still surprised that peanut butter, Dr. Pepper, and marshmallows go so well together.

Dr. Pepper Cake

7. Turkey

After years of despising Thanksgiving dinner, I’ve finally begun to enjoy Turkey. Here is something new to try to jazz up your holiday turkey. You may even turn a turkey hater into a turkey lover with your tasty Dr. Pepper roast turkey.

Dr. Pepper Roast Turkey Recipe

8. Jell-O

Cherry Jell-O and Dr. Pepper. Need I say more?

Dr. Pepper Musum: Dr. Pepper Jello

9. Beef Stew

Dr. Pepper Beef Stew was one of the more surprising recipes that I’ve come across containing Dr. Pepper. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m looking forward to it during the upcoming fall and winter months.

Recipe Goldmine: Dr. Pepper Beef Stew

Eat at the Home Alabama: Dr. Pepper Beef Stew

10. Pork Chops

Pork chops and Dr. Pepper are both popular in Southern United States. It is not surprising that Dr. Pepper Pork chops have also become a hit in states like Texas and Louisiana.
Dr. Pepper Pork Chops Recipe

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Dr. Pepper Pork Chops and Pork Loin

So next time you pick up a 6 pack of Dr. Pepper, save a couple of cans for cooking. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that Dr. Pepper is more than just a great beverage.
