Complete Guide to Hamsters and Water Bottles

Hamsters instinctively know how to find water in their environment, so they adapt to the standard inverted water bottle feeder handily, usually. Inverted water bottles are easy to use if they’re properly filled and sealed; a simple lick of the bottle’s spout releases a drop of water onto the hamster’s tongue. Since water dishes can be messy and harbor bacteria, water bottles are a safer, cleaner and more convenient option. If your hamster is transitioning from a water dish to a water bottle, it may take time for him to get used to his new water source. Keep the water dish out of sight and your hamster will become accustomed to drinking from a bottle.


Hamsters should be provided with a continuous supply of fresh water. According to the ASPCA, an inverted water bottle with a drinking tube should be secured to the side of the cage at all times. Water bottles should be refilled daily with clean water and the bottle itself requires a thorough cleaning with soap and warm water during the hamster’s weekly cage cleaning. Remove any particles within the water bottle using a bottle brush.


Using a water bottle instead of a water dish in your hamster’s cage provides benefits to you and your pet. Unlike water dishes, water bottles cannot be easily spilled. This prevents sodden bedding and food. Since water bottles are hung up off the ground, the water supply is never contaminated with food, waste or other particles. As a pet owner, you’ll appreciate the need for less cage cleanings.


Hamster water bottles can be found at pet stores in a variety of styles and sizes. For the average size hamster, an 8-ounce glass water bottle is the optimal choice, according to the Humane Society. Plastic water bottles are also an option and are generally more affordable. Most water bottles have a stainless steel angled sipper tube attached to the end of the water bottle. In the end of the spout sits a ball bearing that allows small amounts of water to release with light pressure.

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Keeping track of how much water your hamster is consuming and how often he urinates can tell you a lot about his state of health. Hamsters can develop diabetes and while there is no cure, dietary changes can be made to help your pet thrive. According to the National Hamster Council, putting your hamster into an empty, dry glass container and waiting 15 to 20 minutes to see if it urinates is the best way to track his urination. Diabetes causes frequent urination and excessive thirst, so take note if you see your hamster displaying these signs. If you are concerned about your hamster’s water intake, consult with your vet.



ASPCA: Hamster Care
