Comparing Pregnancy-Test Brands: First Response vs. EPT

When you need a quick answer to the question, “Am I pregnant?” you will probably head to the local drugstore for a pregnancy test.

But which pregnancy test is the best one for you? Is it easy to use or is it more like a college-level science laboratory experiment? Which pregnancy test it the best buy? Is there a pregnancy test that has been proven more effective than the the others?

Ease of Use

Both of these home pregnancy tests are pretty easy to use, as long as you get over a tiny bit of squeamishness. They are both the same, and require you to urinate on the absorbent tip of the HPT.

Reading the HPT

First Response – Reading the results on the First Response is easy. Gone are the days of trying to decipher the color on the HPT. The First Response either comes up with one lines or two.

The one line means “not pregnant.” This is useful, because then you at least know that the HPT is working.

If the First Response comes up with two lines, it means you’re pregnant. This is the test I used when I found out I suspected that I was pregnant with my son.

e.p.t Pregnancy Test – I did not find the e.p.t Pregnancy Test as easy to read when I tried it. I actually bought this one first. The e.p.t Pregnancy Test also has a test circle, to show that the test is working.

With the e.p.t Pregnancy Test, one horizontal line means “not pregnant” and a plus sign means you are pregnant. The lines may sometimes be faint, and hard to read.

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Sanitary Factor

First Response – This test has a plastic cap that re-attaches to the HPT, over the tip. This makes it cleaner to use than some other HPTs.

e.p.t Pregnancy Test – The newest versions of the e.p.t Pregnancy Test also come with a cap that goes back over the absorbent strip.


While many of the existing home pregnancy may be accurate one week after the first day of a missed period (National Women’s Health Information Center), they are not all accurate when it comes to early detection. Typically, women want to find out very early on if they are pregnant. Women may want to take a pregnancy test as soon as the first day that they miss their period.

Most manufacturers of home pregnancy tests claim they are “99% accurate” when it comes to detecting pregnancy early. However, according to the National Women’s Health Information Center, “recent research showed that HPTs miss up to 85% of pregnancies on the first day of the missed period.

First Response – This test is the most accurate when it comes to detecting pregnancy early, even five days before a missed period.

e.p.t – e.p.t claims to be “99% accurate when used the first day of your expected period.”

But research suggests that most HPTs do not consistently spot pregnancy that early. And when they do, the results are often very faint.”


First Response – Because this HPT serves the need that women need most, early detection, this HPT has gained a solid reputation as the HPT of choice.

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Even the science is behind First Response, According to two studies First Response, was the “one brand consistently detected the low levels of hCG usually present on the first day of the missed period.” (National Women’s Health Information Center)

The First Response, continues to better its own reputation, because now it can “detect the pregnancy hormone up to 5 days before a missed period.” Women know that finding out as early as possible is essential for pre-natal health.

According to e.p.t, their test is only “53%” accurate four days before a missed period.


What is nice about these home pregnancy test is that the box includes a bonus test. No matter what the results are, it’s hard to just take one test. Having the bonus test in the box is good idea. There is still a price difference for a two-pack of both of these tests.

The First Response, – 2 pack – $11.99 at
e.p.t – 2pack – $16.89 at

There was also a similar price difference at two local drugstores I visited.
