Community Supported Agriculture is Growing in Colorado Springs

The State of Colorado has its own organization, About Colorado Local Sustainability. Their purpose is to support local food production, educate consumers on food and sustainability issues, and work to build a food and sustainability community. Every year it publishes the Rocky Mountain Growers Directory. Foods listed include vegetables, herbs, fruit, meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, etc

Northern Colorado Springs has Pikes Peak Urban Gardens. This is sponsored by Pikes Community Peak Foundation. Here people in the neighborhood garden together in a large garden. Each family has at least a 20’X20′ plot to raise vegetables for their families and to share with others. The benefits of a community garden are numerous; quality produce for a family, healthier lifestyle, neighborhood connection, less crime in the neighborhood, and increased property values.

Harlan Wolfe Ranch is another CSA found in Colorado Springs. This ranch features a variety of vegetables. The four acre Monticello garden features vegetables Thomas Jefferson grew 200 years ago. The ranch has recently added a squash garden plus raised beds with succession plantings. Shortly after June 1 lettuce, spinach, spring onions, and rhubarb are available. Mid June radishes, herbs, and peas are ready to pick. The rest of the vegetables will be picked as the season progresses. They also have plots to rent.

On the east side of Colorado Springs Double M Farms offers two share options, One for $600 per season or $42.86 per week for 14 weeks. This share is all vegetables. A second is a half share for $300 a season or $21.43 per week for half the vegetables. No work is required here and delivery into Colorado Springs is available.

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Greenhorn Acres offers delivery of fruits and vegetables to Colorado springs. Vegetable season is 24 weeks and fruit season is 20 weeks. A full season share is $511 for fruits and vegetables and a half share is $401 for vegetables and $311 or fruit. Ecovian lists more farms in Colorado Springs that are part of CSA.

Local Harvest lists several CSA farms which do not have websites. On the south side of Colorado Springs is Hillbilly Farms at Fountain. Eggs are available per share at $100 giving you a dozen each week for 26 weeks. Also available is poultry and pork products. Cherry Creek Farm is listed selling wool fiber. Darkest Peru Alpacas at Black Forest, just north of Colorado Springs offers eggs, goat milk, manure/compost and alpaca fiber. This is only a sampling of the list at Local Harvest.

Another evidence of CSA in Colorado Springs is found at the local farmers’ markets. These markets are found throughout the city. Several are downtown, others scattered throughout the outlying areas. These markets are scheduled throughout the week as well as weekends during the gardening season. Starchefs is a source for everything regarding cooking. they have a good chart for all farmers markets in Colorado listed alphabetically by city. Fresh vegetables will be available according to your schedule.

Many advantages come from supporting your local CSA. The source of your fresh produce is always known. These are local people providing a service to each of us. The quality of their product is assured since it is picked fresh daily. Relationships develop between producer and consumer so confidence is built in each other. Support of our local economy is encouraged not only in our local purchases from producers but also when they buy locally at other established businesses.

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Anoither unique organization that supports CSA in Colorado is Door to Door Organics. Their website lists several local organic farms that supply them products. The list includes fruits not grown in Colorado but the rest are local when in season.

Door to Door Organics’ niche is delivery to the Front Range of Colorado. Delivery is available weekly or biweekly. Four sizes of boxed fruits and vegetables are available ranging in price from $24.99 to $59.99. items in the boxes can be selected according to your personal preference and sized to fit your family.

In addition to boxes of fruits and vegetables more choices are available including meat and fish, cereals, beverages, cheese, sides, etc. Each week specials are offered on selected items. Discounts are also available with a coop of at least four orders at one stop. Three dollars are discounted off each box. Fundraisers are also possible. Any qualifying non profit you choose will receive 10% of your sales paid at the end of each month.

All information is available at their website. You will find a list of 368 available products that can be delivered to your home or office.