College Freshmen: Tips on Choosing Dormitory Bedding

Aside from going to class, studying, and getting good grades, sleep is one of the most important aspects of college. If you don’t get a good night of sleep, you are not going to be able to focus in class; if you oversleep, you are going to miss class. Either way, in the end, this will affect your grade. That being said, it is extremely important to make sure that your bed is as comfortable as possible so that you are able to rest peacefully went you want to.

First and foremost, you absolutely have to purchase an egg crate foam mattress. Let’s face it, despite the hundred of people that have slept on that mattress before you, it is not all that comfortable. By purchasing a foam mattress to put on top of it, you are giving your bed a little more cushion and making it more comfortable (and separating yourself from the gross part of the mattress as well, which is always a plus). These items can be found at Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, Linens N’ Things, or at any department store. There is no need to fork out a ridiculous amount of money for one, the cheap one from Wal-Mart will do (that is what I used and I was known as “the girl with the most comfortable bed” by all of my friends).

Secondly, you should consider buying a mattress pad. While it is not a necessity, it may help you sleep better at night knowing that you are safe from the icky mattress that God only knows how many people had sex on prior to you being forced to sleep on it.

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Of course we can’t forget going out and getting an actual set of sheets. This part is really up to you. If you like flannel sheets, knock yourself out (unless your going to school in a warm climate, then it might not be such a good idea); if jersey knit sheets put you right to sleep, then go pick up a set right way; if you are just a good old fashion cotton lover, then cotton sheets it is. Sheets are all about personal preference and you are going to be sleeping on the same sheets for quite possibly your entire college career (unless you are a spoiled brat like myself who got a new set every year…whoops), so you have to like them and they have to be comfortable. I urge you to pick a color or a pattern that you love because in the midst of dull dorm room color, or lack thereof, you should at least be able to feel “at home” on you bed.

It is also important that you get a good comforter. Follow the same guidelines for this as you did with the sheets. Just keep in mind that dorm room climate can be extremely harsh (they are always hot or cold, there is no in between), so you should be prepared.

You may want to purchase an extra blanket to keep at the bottom of your bed. When it is extremely hot, since most dorms do not have AC, the last thing you are going to want to do is crawl into hot sheets and a hot comforter, so the blanket will be your best friend. Yes, it is time to face the facts, college students don’t always crawl into their bed…they sometimes sleep on top of it (or on a futon, if they have one).

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Last but certainly not least, invest in good pillows. Now, I am not telling you to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on pillows, but just this one time, you might want to turn into a pillow snob. You are going to be laying your head down to sleep on these pillows for many nights, after they have been cushioning your back from the wall for however many hours as you lean up against it, sitting on your bed, studying, watching TV, or just hanging out with friends. They should be good, durable pillows. The last thing you want to have happen is your pillow go flat in the first month, and then you have to call home begging for money (or shell out your own hard-earned money) to get new cheap pillows that will do the same thing in another month. This is the time to splurge.

Bottom line: you want your bedding to be comfortable. A little character wouldn’t hurt either. Good luck!