Coke’s Dasani and Pepsi’s Aquafina: Not Pure Spring Water

I think it is sad that anyone uses the word con or lies to describe what Pepsi and Coke did with their bottle water brands, Aquafina and Dasani. At what point should people be responsible for their own decisions?

Coke and Pepsi did not mislead people into thinking that those waters were pure spring water, it said absolutely nothing on the bottle to indicate that. In fact, it was always a give away that if the bottle said anything about being filtered on it that the water was just tap water. How did anyone not know that Aquafina and Dasani were tap water?

I was actually surprised at the amount pf peple that said that they were “tircked” or “conned.” Why didn’t they do their own research into the product or notice that spring water bottles named their spring source. It should have been more than enough of a clue that there was no source mentioned on Aquafina or Dasani’s bottles. There are also other probelms with these waters.

Why anyone was spending up to or above $1.50 a bottle for water that didn’t even taste right was beyond me. If you ever tasted either of these brands of water than you would have tasted a water that didn’t even taste clean or refreshing.

The only misleading thing is that they show pictures of mountains and use light blue coloring on their bottles. I can see why people related these pictures and colors with spring water, but that is no excuse for not reading the bottle.

On the bottle they said that it was filtered water and no where on the label has it ever said spring water. It has been known by many for years that it was merely tap water and those who didn’t know that chose not to know it, because it is common information.

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The fact of the matter is that this should be of no surprise to anyone. If something does not say exactly what you think it should be on the label, in this case spring water, then you are probably not getting that. These companies are no stupid and they would have said it was pure spring water if that is what it was.

Next time you want some Aquafina, just get a glass and get some water from the tap, usually that is healtier for you than Aquafina ever was.