Clear Choice VS. First Response: Battle of the Pregnancy Tests

Oh that dreadful feeling of a week going by and thinking “am I pregnant or not?”. Most of us women now that feeling all to well, that feeling when you miss your period and you run off to the drug store to pick up an at home pregnancy test to make sure your either not or you are. Then when you get to the store, you stand there for about 30 minutes trying to decide which one is more accurate and which one is the cheapest. Well as a mother of seven children, the ever so lovely at home pregnancy test has been a friend of mine for years. Here is my take on two of the best at home pregnancy tests that are on the market today.

The Clear Choice Pregnancy Test who is manufactured by Pharmatech Inc. is definitely one of the most easiest and accurate pregnancy tests on the market today. The test itself is so simple and easy to use. All you have to do is collect your urine in a cup at anytime of the day, and the results actually tell you whether your pregnant or not. Accuracy of the results are 99 percent in clinical studies. And the results are back within one minute if positive, however it is best to wait the complete five minutes for confirmed results. The cup is a no mess cup which is really nice compared to some of those where it is impossible to collect the urine. You can use the Clear Choice Pregnancy Test the first day after you have missed your period and any day after that. It even comes with a helpline (1-877-home-test) just in case you do not understand the instructions or the results. Remember that this pregnancy test is not for any other use but to see if you are pregnant or not. Do not use internally and please keep it away from your children. You can find this pregnancy test at any local retail or drug store in the area. It runs anywhere between $10.00 and $22.00, depending on if you get a test that has one or more tests inside.

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First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test comes in a pretty pink box with two tests inside. Each of the tests has a test stick with an absorbent wick at each end and an easy to grip handle at the other end. In the middle of the stick is the control window where your results will be showing up after urinating on the wick. yes you have to place this stick into your urine stream for around four to five seconds and then place the plastic cap over it (while it drips) and then on a flat surface for about four to five minutes. If a pink line appears, no matter how light the line is, that is considered positive. This test can be take three days after your last period and even though can be taken at any time of the day, it is recommended that you test early in the morning for the most accurate results. This pregnancy test claims to be 99 percent accurate as well, however when this test first came out there was many complaints regarding false results. I myself used this test two times with false results as well and found that when buying the two pack package, that one of the tests do not work entirely. You can also find this pregnancy test at any local retail or drug store in the area. Price of this item is usually in the range of $13.99, and $17.99 with test that have more than one in a box.

Do I recommend either of these tests? Absolutely. The Clear Choice Pregnancy Test is definitely the one that I would go with if you do not want to second guess. It is easier, cleaner, and although can be a little more pricey, the end results are well worth the few extra dollars you are spending. However always go and see a doctor once your results come back positive to make absolute sure you are pregnant. Although at home tests are reliable and easy to use, there is nothing more reliable than a urine test from your OBGYN.