Classic Movie Stars: 5 of My Favorite Female Stars & Their Movies

Well, you probably already read My Favorite Male Stars that I just had published, so now I wish to share my favorite classy ladies of the silver screen that I enjoyed so very much when I was growing up;

Audrey Hepburn-

She was Class with a capital C. She was a favorite of many people I know, including myself. She was not only beautiful, but had uniqueness about her acting. My absolute favorite movie of hers was Sabrina, in which she starred with Humphrey Bogart, and William Holden. She was sheer delight in that film. Her most famous role of course was that of Breakfast At Tiffany’s. She won Best Actress for Roman Holiday in which she starred with Gregory Peck. Her last film in which she played a very small part was Always, which Richard Dreyfus and Holly Hunter. I loved that movie. I don’t think any actress could ever live up to her class.

Maureen O’Hara-

Another beautiful and classy actress. She handled comedy just as well as she did drama. She was so funny in Mclintock with John Wayne. I never get tired of watching that one. Her most perfect role was in The Quiet Man. She was certainly in her element in Ireland. Another one of my favorites with also John Wayne was On The Wings of Eagles.

Katherine Hepburn-

Another Hepburn That’s hard to beat. What a fantastic actress she was. I loved all her movies with Spencer Tracy. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is one of my favorites. Some of the others were, Pat & Mike, & Desk Set. Hepburn and Tracy were quite a pair. The most memorable movie she did was with Humphrey Bogart in the African Queen. She was what I call The Lady of The Silver Screen!

See also  Five of the Best I Love Lucy Episodes

Doris Day-

I know you’re probably surprised at this one. One thing I liked about Doris Day and the movies she did is I always felt really good after watching them. They were just plain funny and clean movies. Nothing complicated. One of my favorites was Please Don’t Eat The Daisies with David Niven. I loved all the movies she did with Rock Hudson. Of course I had a big crush on him so that helped. One of her dramatic roles that I really liked was in Young At Heart with frank Sinatra. I don’t know there’s always just something special about the All American Girl!

Ava Gardner-

She was definitely one of the most beautiful actresses of her time. I think she got a bid of a bad rap though. She really could act. She was fabulous in The Night Of The Iguana with Richard Burton. She also did a great job in the movie On The Beach. One of her most famous roles was that of A Touch Of Venus with Robert Walker where she plays the statue of Venus come to life.

There you have it, my favorite classic women actresses form the past. I hope you’ll check out some of the movies I mentioned, they really are as special as the actresses that starred in them!

*Don’t forget to read about my Favorite Male Stars if yo haven’t already!